Otter tail county warrant list 83037 Major Lakes: Orwell Minor Civil Division: 2711148742 Township and Range: T 132N - R 44W Commissioner Districts: District 3 Cities in this area: Lub Tsev Qiv Ntawv Txoj Cai Lij Choj muaj cov ntaub ntawv cov ntaub ntawv, cov cai, thiab ntau yam kev cai lij choj. Please contact the Highway Department for information regarding overweight loads. 85309 Major Lakes: George, Jessie, Sampson, Spitzer, Toms Minor Civil Division: 2711136008 Township and Range: T 131N - R 39W Commissioner Districts: District 3 Assistance & Support; Business & Workforce Development; Elections and Voting; Environment & Natural Resources; Licenses, Permits, Records & Inspections The future workforce are students in our schools today. About The Area Population: 167 Area: 0. DNR training will be provided. Report any animal bites to your local medical provider, Public Health, or your local law enforcement. You can also report an animal bite by filling out this form to be sent to Otter Tail County Public Health for follow-up. The Otter Tail County Sheriff retains the right to control and modify the content of the website to accomplish policy and/or public safety objectives. You can report anonymously or contact the Sheriff's Office for more information. Wenn Sie wissen oder haben […] Si vous êtes au-dessous de la personne nommée, vous pouvez éviter des dépenses supplémentaires en signalant au Otter Tail County Centre de détention ou directement au tribunal. 51458 Major Lakes: Upper Lightning Minor Civil Division: 2711169430 Township and Range: T 131N - R 44W Commissioner Districts: District 3 Cities in this area: There are no cities in this township Population: 170 Area: 34. 19. Otter Tail County sees housing growth. Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month; Septic systems grants and free online course available; Working for you! Your county government is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life and resources in Otter Tail County. إذا كنت تعرف أو لديك […] The permit application is intended to cover any work to be performed in the County right of way except for approach construction or utility installation for which other permits application forms are used. Txoj Cai Lij Choj muaj kev nkag mus rau Westlaw dawb. $2 for 6 months SUBSCRIBE NOW Show Search. J. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits Service-connected disability compensation 1 day ago · Wadena County Sheriff's Department Warrant List issued March 10, 2025. If you are below named individual you may avoid additional expenses by reporting to the Otter Tail County Detention Facility or directly to the court. Otter Tail County activates sirens when a Tornado Warning is issued by the National Weather Service for that area, or when local public safety officials request. Civil Process Services The Sheriff’s Office provides Civil Process Services for legal matters such as evictions, foreclosures, orders for protection and more. A Utility Permit Application must be submitted via Otter Tail County’s online permit application and payment system. 1 Murder - 2nd Degree F - Active 609. CUAs provide assessment and recommendations for substance use disorder treatment and are required for referral and admission. Oct 25, 2024 · County buildings to shine green November 4-11 to support military veterans. Si tu […] Ink or Inkless Fingerprinting Which can be used for state gun permits, licensing, adoption, etc. Om oss Otter Tail County; Vår långsiktiga strategiska plan; Betala för; Integritetspolicy; Sök; Tjäna ditt län; Sheriff Warrant List; Prenumerationsmeddelande; Användarvillkor; Tack; Tack-BOC; Tack-öppet forum; Tack! Tack! Vi kommer att kontakta dig. Si usted […] Finding out if you have active warrants in Otter Tail County, MN, is easy. Westlaw tuaj yeem yog […] Population: 299 Area: 35. The warrant search list is updated every two hours. Notice is hereby given that the Otter Tail County Housing and Redevelopment Authority are accepting sealed bid proposals for Comprehensive Business Owners Insurance to include General Liability Coverage, Fire and Extended Coverage, and Non-owned Auto Liability to be effective from January 1, 2025, through December Otter Tail County & tsoom fwv Menu Toggle. Join us for the Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office Open House! We are excited to invite you to our Open House event on June 8th from 12:00-2:00 PM at the Operations Center, located at 469 East Main St, Ottertail. Information to be collected from seller: First Name, Last Name of Registrant; Address of Registrant Nov 19, 2024 · Watershed: 3,340. 85 and 641. Yog tias koj muaj npe hauv qab no koj tuaj yeem zam cov nuj nqis ntxiv los ntawm kev ceeb toom rau Otter Tail County Detention Facility los yog ncaj qha mus rau lub tsev hais plaub. Jan 8 Term Expiration: Appointed Phone: 218-770-0202 Email: [email protected] Mailing Address: 50002 Leaf River Road Ottertail, MN 56571 Sep 24, 2024 · 2024 Maplewood State Park segment – Construction in progressGrading to be completed this fall; paving will commence in spring 2025. 54921 Major Lakes: Johnson Minor Civil Division: 2711109946 Township and Range: T 133N - R 44W Commissioner Districts: District 2 Cities in this area: Oct 16, 2024 · NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the authority granted under Minnesota Statute 400. 38371 Minor Civil Division: 2711115724 Commissioner Districts: District 1 Townships near this City: Edna Jan 5, 2025 · By creating a subscription, you permit us to store the data you have provided above, in accordance with local laws, and opt into receiving emails that match the information requested. The Phelps Mill County Park Master Plan was adopted by the Otter Trail County Board of Commissioners on April 27, 2021. 12 acres Originally 1,150. The most frequently applied for is known as the death pension, or widow’s pension. Wenn du […] Liste des bons de souscription actifs Si vous êtes sous la personne nommée, vous pouvez éviter des dépenses supplémentaires en vous reportant au Otter Tail County Centre de détention ou directement au tribunal. 195(a) Murder - 3rd Degree - Perpetrating Eminently Dangerous Act and Evincing Depraved Mind The Otter Tail County Sheriff's Office provides a Most Wanted list, containing information about individuals with active arrest warrants. 36233 Minor Civil Division: 2711118566 Commissioner Districts: District 2 Townships near this City: Elizabeth Food, Beverage & Lodging; Manufactured Home Parks & Recreational Camping Areas; Swimming Pools and Spas; Vacation Home Rentals; Youth Camps Liste der aktiven Optionsscheine Wenn Sie eine der unten genannten Personen sind, können Sie zusätzliche Kosten vermeiden, indem Sie sich an die melden Otter Tail County Haftanstalt oder direkt zum Gericht. Cov qhua Nov 20, 2024 · Page Last Updated: 11-20-2024. April 8 @ 1:00 pm Reporting Animal Bites. The Fathers’ Adoption Registry was created by the Minnesota legislature to allow possible biological, but not as yet legal, fathers to receive notice of pending adoption proceedings for their children. 77 acres: Benefit value: $247,036. For additional information or support, please contact the Otter Tail County GIS Department at 218-998-8310. There is no excerpt because this is a protected post. Otter Tail County Jail In Custody 03/06/2025 16:01 PhotoMNI #Name SexAgeBooking #Intake_DateCharges Bond_Amount Projected Release Date 000000136419Ali, Suad MohamedF 2900240000036504/23/2024F - Active 609. Butler Township, organized August 15, 1883, was named in honor of Stephen Butler, of Fergus Falls, who during many years was the county treasurer. Source: The Book “Minnesota Geographic Names: Their Origin and Historic Significance” Volume 17 – 1920 By Warren Upham” Only portions of Rothsay lie within the borders of Otter Tail County. 85 thiab 641. However, contact information may be used to seek clarification on submitted information or to provide information on resources and assistance that may be available. HAVE A THRIFT SHOPPING LIST – Keep a list of things you are looking for – so anytime you thrift you can check for specific things Otter Tail County Probation oversees electronic monitoring as ordered by the Court. Si conoce o tiene información sobre esta persona, envíe un correo electrónico a la Otter Tail County oficina del alguacil en [email protected] en IRS. Last year, over $94. It can be directly reached here. 2020 Environmental Assessment Worksheet for West, Silent and McDonald Segments […] County offices close at noon in observance of the Christmas holiday. U. Cov qhua Nidaros Township, tsim lub Cuaj Hlis 5, 1871, dais lub npe qub rau lub nroog Trondhjem hauv Norway, muab los ntawm Nidrosia, nws lub npe nruab nrab Latin, uas tau hais txog nws qhov xwm txheej […] Assistance & Support; Business & Workforce Development; Elections and Voting; Environment & Natural Resources; Licenses, Permits, Records & Inspections Population: 216 Area: 0. Donation & Reuse; Green Gift Guide; Lakes Area Precious Plastic Lab; Presentations and Facilities Tours; Printable Recycling & Composting Signage; Waste Audit Reports The Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office will be implementing body worn cameras for our licensed deputies and our corrections officers in 2024. Hais txog Otter Tail County; Peb Lub Hom Phiaj Ntev Ntev; Them Rau; Tsis pub twg paub Txoj cai; Nrhiav; Pab Koj Lub Nroog; Sheriff Warrant List; Subscription Message; Cov ntsiab lus uas Service; Ua tsaug rau koj; Ua tsaug-BOC; Ua tsaug-Open Forum; Ua tsaug rau koj! Ua tsaug! Peb yuav tiv tauj koj. Hvis du vet eller har […] Feb 10, 2025 · A subsurface sewage treatment system (SSTS) installed at a lake home in Otter Tail County. The Pretrial Officer strives to monitor pretrial files to enhance public safety while increasing the likelihood the client will return for court. The initiative aims to raise awareness of the challenges veterans face and highlight Population: 346 Area: 35. Term Expiration: 2025 Phone: 612-709-9410 Mailing Address: 62571 240th Street Hewitt, MN 56453 Population: 495 Area: 35. There are 27 sirens located throughout Otter Tail County. Electronic Home Monitoring (EHM) may be used for house arrest, Remote Electronic Alcohol Monitoring (REAM) may be used when a client is struggling with alcohol addiction, or Global Positioning System (GPS) may be used when the adult’s behavior warrants additional oversite. 56754 Major Lakes: Anna, Bass, Crooked, East Lost, Little Anna, Mud, North Turtle, Norway, Pleasant Minor Civil Division: 2711163688 Township Population: 639 Area: 35. Olaf, yug hauv 995, tus huab tais thaum ntxov ntawm Norway, xyoo 1015-30, uas tau koom ua ke lub nceeg vaj thiab pab kev tsim kho. Navigate to AIS Task Force: The task force members promote public awareness, education, containment, and research and provide recommendations to the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners. If you know or have information about this person please email the Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office at [email protected] or use the Anonymous Tips option to let us know. The steps you take to prepare for a household or community emergency, and actions you take when they happen are critical and can save a life. Aug 7, 2024 · April 2021. Otter Tail County is hiring seasonal Watercraft Inspectors to help protect our lakes from aquatic invasive species. 64541 Major Lakes: Big Pine Minor Civil Division: 2711151208 Township and Range: T 136N - R 38W Commissioner Districts: District 1 Cities in this area: There are no cities in this township Anyone interested in installing, replacing or maintaining any utilities on a county right-of-way must be granted permission to do so. Cov qhua AIS Task Force: The task force members promote public awareness, education, containment, and research and provide recommendations to the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners. The proper design, installation, maintenance, operation and regulation of subsurface sewage treatment systems (SSTS), also known as a septic system, is one method that can be used to ensure the The federal and state benefits shown here represent partial list of the most widely used available programs. This month in Otter Tail County: Resolve to enrich your life! As the new year begins, we encourage residents to take action and make positive changes. Inmate information available through this website is public data and provided in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 13. What Was Updated: Project moved to "Completed" status Oversize/Overweight Moving A permit is needed for moving oversized structures, wider than 8’6″, longer than 60′ and overweight loads. Phelps Mill County Park Master Plan Term Expiration: 2025 Phone: 218-770-6570 Email: [email protected] Mailing Address: 28068 160th Avenue Fergus Falls, MN 56537 Term Expiration: December 31, 2026 Phone: 218-205-1338 Email: [email protected] Mailing Address: 101 Pine Court Dalton, MN 56324 An Assistant County Attorney, a Human Services Social Worker, and school representatives will meet with the parent/guardian(s) and the student with attendance issues at a School Engagement Program (SEP) meeting, to discuss the impact of chronic absenteeism, the necessity of education, and the legal consequences if attendance does not improve. 08 and Sections 4:02(C) and 4:03 of the Otter Tail County Solid Waste Management Ordinance, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners intends to adjust by resolution the Solid Waste Management Charges. 49526 Major Lakes: None Minor Civil Division: 2711121518 Township and Range: T 132N - R 38W Commissioner Districts: District 4 Cities in this area: THRIFT OFTEN – Inventory changes frequently, so more quick stops might lead to more great finds than one epic thrift session. The initiative aims to raise awareness of the challenges veterans face and highlight Otter Tail County & tsoom fwv Menu Toggle. On the sheriff's department section of the county website, a link takes you directly to their list of outstanding warrants. Check out this brief video with emergency preparedness tips from local public safety officials. The proposed adjustments to the Solid Waste Otter Tail County & tsoom fwv Menu Toggle. The number represented here reflects the entire city population. Distribution of information on juveniles held within Otter Tail County is restricted by Minnesota law. Kev faib tawm cov ntaub ntawv ntawm cov tub ntxhais hluas […] Lista aktivnih naloga Ako ste ispod navedenog pojedinca, možete izbjeći dodatne troškove tako što ćete se prijaviti Otter Tail County Pritvor ili direktno sudu. 61 acres Originally 1,452. Otter Tail County Probation completes pretrial bail evaluations, oversees pretrial electronic alcohol monitors, and facilitates pretrial random testing. 05. Order Vacating Stayed Sentence - Vio Terms & Conditions - GM - DWI Abbott, Meagen Diana 02/29/2016Gross Misd. After a community assessment is completed, the data is analyzed – with involvement from the community – and used to identify priority issues, develop and implement strategies for action, and establish accountability to ensure measurable health improvement. Otter Tail County’s Land and Resource Management Department is mandated to protect public health, safety, and general welfare by ensuring the proper location, design, installation, use, and maintenance of subsurface sewage treatment systems. Ako ti […] Hvis du er under navngitt person, kan du unngå ekstra utgifter ved å rapportere til Otter Tail County Forvaringsanstalt eller direkte til retten. Cline: 218-736-5456: Fergus Falls: Rolf Nycklemoe: 218-736-5673: Henning: Jeff Skonseng: 218-739-4623: Pelican Rapids and Parkers Prairie Rave Facility is a new service in Otter Tail County that allows you to create a secure facility profile that includes details you want the Sheriff’s Office dispatch center and public safety responders to know about your facility in an emergency, including: Geographic layout – including parking lots and outdoor areas Assistance & Support; Business & Workforce Development; Elections and Voting; Environment & Natural Resources; Licenses, Permits, Records & Inspections Population: 621 Area: 35. Arrest Warrants Search Active Arrest Warrants 1 day ago · Wadena County Sheriff's Department Warrant List issued March 10, 2025. If… Feb 28, 2025 · This month in Otter Tail County. FTA First Appearance-Theft Elenco dei warrant attivi Se sei la persona indicata di seguito puoi evitare spese aggiuntive segnalando al Otter Tail County Centro di detenzione o direttamente al tribunale. Se tu […] Board/Commission: Board of Commissioners Position: District 3 Term Expiration: January 2029 Phone: 218-205-2415 Email: [email protected] Mailing Address: 19713 CO HWY 39 Population: 170 Area: 0. ntawm cov ntseeg Vajtswv, tab sis raug tua nyob rau hauv kev sib ntaus sib tua nrog nws cov neeg Nov 18, 2024 · Request for Proposals (RFP) for Legal Services documents (Otter-Tail-County-HRA-Legal-RFP) are included under Related Files. Otter Tail County supports partnerships to build the future workforce, support career exploration, and address the workforce shortage challenges. Bring a […] County Sheriff Peb, cov txiv neej thiab poj niam ntawm lub Otter Tail County Sheriff's Office, tau mob siab rau muab kev pabcuam zoo heev los ntawm kev sib koom tes uas tsim kev ntseeg siab, txo kev ua txhaum cai, tsim kom muaj kev nyab xeeb, thiab txhim kho lub neej zoo hauv peb Lub Nroog. Assistance & Support; Business & Workforce Development; Elections and Voting; Environment & Natural Resources; Licenses, Permits, Records & Inspections Aug 5, 2024 · June 2023 Adopted Sanitation Code for Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems April 2023 Proposed Sanitation Code for Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems (Draft 04-03-2023) Public Hearing 04-25-2023 Probation Documents 3rd Millennium Classrooms Conflict-Wise Nicotine 101 Parent-Wise Respect and Resolve STOPLifting THC 101 Under the Influence Questionnaires Domestic Abuse Investigation Pre-Disposition Investigation Pre-Sentence Investigation Cognitive Forms Cost Benefit […] Assistance & Support; Business & Workforce Development; Elections and Voting; Environment & Natural Resources; Licenses, Permits, Records & Inspections Nov 15, 2024 · Otter Tail County Housing and Redevelopment Authority NOTICE FOR INSURANCE BIDS. Assistance & Support; Business & Workforce Development; Elections and Voting; Environment & Natural Resources; Licenses, Permits, Records & Inspections Assistance & Support; Business & Workforce Development; Elections and Voting; Environment & Natural Resources; Licenses, Permits, Records & Inspections Jan 5, 2025 · By creating a subscription, you permit us to store the data you have provided above, in accordance with local laws, and opt into receiving emails that match the information requested. Otter Tail County MN Jail In-Custody. Please report issues using the form below to ensure the Highway Department can repair them quickly. Besökare Jul 31, 2024 · Year to date, the Re-Entry Social Worker has completed 75 Chemical Use Assessments (CUAs) for inmates who are residents of Otter Tail County. Assistance & Support; Business & Workforce Development; Elections and Voting; Environment & Natural Resources; Licenses, Permits, Records & Inspections قائمة الضمانات النشطة إذا تم تسميتك بالفرد أدناه ، فيمكنك تجنب النفقات الإضافية عن طريق إبلاغ Otter Tail County مرفق الاحتجاز أو مباشرة إلى المحكمة. Promoting Otter Tail County and its programs and services. Otter Tail County Probation assumed the Juvenile Diversion Program from the Otter Tail County Attorney’s Office in February of 2020. Body worn cameras (BWCs) are relatively small devices that record interactions between community members (public, suspects, victims, witnesses, prisoners, etc. Sheriff Warrant List If you are below named individual you may avoid additional expenses by reporting to the Otter Tail County Detention Facility or directly to the court. Solid Waste Haulers Fathers’ Adoption Registry Purpose. […] Population: 156 Area: 35. Otter Tail County Sheriff's Office Active Warrant Listing March 06, 2025 6:01 pm Contact us Name Issue dateLevel of offense Reason for warrant - Nightcap Notes Abbott, Leah Anne 06/17/2014Gross Misd. 41356 Major Lakes: Hand, Hook, Lawrence, Leek, Loon Minor Civil Division: 2711109622 Township and Range: T 137N - R 41W Official Website Commissioner Districts: District 2 To raise awareness of this law, Otter Tail County adopted a Dock and Riparian Use Ordinance. Lub Peb Hlis Ntuj Tim 20, 1869, yog thawj zaug hu ua Oxford, tab sis tau hloov npe rau lub Tsib Hlis 10, 1870, nyob rau hauv kev hwm ntawm St. 84 acres: Benefit: 1,414. CDA Board : The agency's purpose is to strengthen county communities by expanding housing opportunities, promoting business development, and fostering the coordination Oct 25, 2024 · County buildings to shine green November 4-11 to support military veterans. By participating in youth workforce navigation, you can build career awareness and interest in your industry among students. Cov qhua Solid Waste Hauler List See the attached list for licensed haulers in Otter Tail County that can be contacted for garbage, dumpster and roll-off services. gov o use la Consejos anónimos Ako ste ispod navedenog pojedinca, možete izbjeći dodatne troškove tako što ćete se prijaviti Otter Tail County Pritvor ili direktno sudu. City Name Phone Number; Battle Lake: J. 13423 Major Lakes: None Minor Civil Division: 2711171644 Township and Range: T 132N - R 36W Commissioner Districts: District 4 Cities in this area: There are no cities in this township Term Expiration: 2025 Phone: 218-298-0488 Email: [email protected] Mailing Address: 50571 390TH ST New York Mills, MN 56567 The Otter Tail County Sheriff retains the right to control and modify the content of the website to accomplish policy and/or public safety objectives. Si vous savez ou avez […] Si se encuentra debajo de la persona nombrada, puede evitar gastos adicionales informando al Otter Tail County centro de detención o directamente a la corte. إذا كنت فردًا مُسمىًا أدناه ، فيمكنك تجنب النفقات الإضافية عن طريق تقديم تقرير إلى Otter Tail County مرفق الاحتجاز أو مباشرة إلى المحكمة. Assistance & Support; Business & Workforce Development; Elections and Voting; Environment & Natural Resources; Licenses, Permits, Records & Inspections Population: 561 Area: 34. Population: 129 Area: 35. Jan 5, 2025 · By creating a subscription, you permit us to store the data you have provided above, in accordance with local laws, and opt into receiving emails that match the information requested. Here’s what we’ve been working on this month: Population: 277 Area: 36. If you need legal advice, please contact an attorney. Before selling your dock or lift please call 218-998-8113 to register, or click the blue link below to use our online registration system. Ako znate ili imate […] Please be advised that Spring Weight Restrictions on Otter Tail County Highways will go into effect at 12:01am, Friday, March 7, 2025 and will remain in effect until signs are removed. Jan 16, 2025 · Navigate to the parcel of interest, and click the “Permits” option. ) and law enforcement and corrections officers. Lista de órdenes activas Si se encuentra debajo de la persona nombrada, puede evitar gastos adicionales informando al Otter Tail County Centro de Detención o directamente al tribunal. 35 Probation Documents 3rd Millennium Classrooms Conflict-Wise Nicotine 101 Parent-Wise Respect and Resolve STOPLifting THC 101 Under the Influence Questionnaires Domestic Abuse Investigation Pre-Disposition Investigation Pre-Sentence Investigation Cognitive Forms Cost Benefit […] Assistance & Support; Business & Workforce Development; Elections and Voting; Environment & Natural Resources; Licenses, Permits, Records & Inspections Otter Tail County & tsoom fwv Menu Toggle. 8h ago · Active Warrants List. Lee constructed Fort Juelson to protect their community. All outdoor warning sirens are tested at 1:00pm the first Wednesday of every month. Come meet our local law enforcement heroes and see firsthand the amazing work they do! Yes, there are a number of VA benefits for widows. 82, 13. Accessed information should not be relied upon for any type of legal action. Fathers' Resource Program Lub MAHUBE-OTWA Txiv Plig Nyiaj Pov muaj muaj nyob […] Population: 326 Area: 35. In advance of the upcoming Veterans Day holiday, Otter Tail County is joining the nationwide Operation Green Light initiative, illuminating county buildings in green from November 4-11. Jail In Custody List Disclaimer. The […] Otter Tail County Probation completes pretrial bail evaluations, oversees pretrial electronic alcohol monitors, and facilitates pretrial random testing. If you have any questions, require additional information; or if you would like a copy of a weight restriction map, please contact the Otter Tail County Highway Jail In Custody List Disclaimer Inmate information muaj nyob rau hauv lub website no yog cov ntaub ntawv pej xeem thiab muab raws li Minnesota Statutes 13. To explore the new permit view feature, visit the Otter Tail County GIS map. FTA First Appearance-Theft View the list of individuals with active warrants in Otter Tail County. If any permits are associated with the parcel, they will appear for viewing. The program was updated to fall in line with probation practices. 2 million in housing investment was added in the county from 443 new and rehabbed housing units, 358 of these being new construction and 85 being rehabbed units. Yog tias koj paub lossis muaj lus qhia txog tus neeg no thov email rau Otter Tail County Sheriff's Office ntawm [email tiv thaiv] los yog siv lub Cov lus qhia tsis Yog tias koj muaj npe hauv qab no koj tuaj yeem zam cov nuj nqis ntxiv los ntawm kev ceeb toom rau Otter Tail County Detention Facility los yog ncaj qha mus rau lub tsev hais plaub. Saint Olaf Township. Juveniles are diverted away from the Court as an opportunity to learn from their mistake. 08783 Major Lakes: Brown, Mud, Twin, Walker, Otter Tail Minor Civil Division: 2711101468 Township and Range: T 134N - R 40W Commissioner Districts: District 4 Assistance & Support; Business & Workforce Development; Elections and Voting; Environment & Natural Resources; Licenses, Permits, Records & Inspections The CHA is part of an ongoing broader community health improvement process. Family Resources Crime Victim Rights Crime Victim Rights Information Sheet From Office of Justice Programs, Minnesota Department of Public Safety. CDA Board : The agency's purpose is to strengthen county communities by expanding housing opportunities, promoting business development, and fostering the coordination Otter Tail County’s Big Build initiative saw continued housing growth in 2024. Contact My Assessor; Crop Productivity Index (CPI) Estimated Market Value or Classification Appeals Process; Forms & Applications; Frequently Asked Questions Feb 24, 2025 · Otter Tail County & Regeringen Meny Växla. Wenn Sie eine der unten genannten Personen sind, können Sie zusätzliche Kosten vermeiden, indem Sie sich an die wenden Otter Tail County Haftanstalt oder direkt zum Gericht. Developing, managing, and implementing effective messages and content for the county website, media, and social media platforms, including internal communication platforms. Yog tias koj paub lossis muaj lus qhia txog tus neeg no thov email rau Otter Tail County Sheriff's Office ntawm [email tiv thaiv] los yog siv lub Cov lus qhia tsis Otter Tail County Sheriff's Office Active Warrant Listing March 08, 2025 6:01 am Contact us Name Issue dateLevel of offense Reason for warrant - Nightcap Notes Abbott, Leah Anne 06/17/2014Gross Misd. December 24 The City of Bluffton, platted in March, 1880 incorporated February 24, 1903, as well as Bluffton township, organized July 17, 1878, received this name in allusion to the high banks […] Assistance & Support; Business & Workforce Development; Elections and Voting; Environment & Natural Resources; Licenses, Permits, Records & Inspections The Highway Department is responsible for maintaining Otter Tail County roads, including pothole repair, snow plowing, fixing traffic signals, picking up debris and trimming overhanging limbs. S. 65944 Major Lakes: Minor Civil Division: 2711149408 Township and Range: T 137N - R 36W Commissioner Districts: District 1 Cities in this area: There are no cities in this township Assistance & Support; Business & Workforce Development; Elections and Voting; Environment & Natural Resources; Licenses, Permits, Records & Inspections Individuals submitting information should not expect a response from Otter Tail County. Electronic responses are due by Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 4:00pm to [email protected] . The Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office cannot represent that the information is current, accurate or complete. FTA First Appearance-Theft Jan 30, 2025 · To keep up with the latest happenings in Otter Tail County, follow us on Facebook and visit our Notification Center to sign up for news alerts on topics of your choosing. Event Details. is now available at the Law Enforcement Center (attached to the County Courthouse). Assisting county leadership, and staff with effective public relations and communications. 188 people live in the Otter Tail County portion of the city. Apply today! Otter Tail County Sheriff's Office Active Warrant Listing March 03, 2025 10:01 pm Contact us Name Issue dateLevel of offense Reason for warrant - Nightcap Notes Abbott, Leah Anne 06/17/2014Gross Misd. This benefit is paid to low or marginal income widows (disability is not a factor), and is dependent upon the amount of other income, net worth, and out-of-pocket medical expenses. Rather than fleeing, a small group of Norwegian settlers in Otter Tail County led by Civil and Indian War veterans Hans Juelson and Berge O. 23888 Minor Civil Division: 2711114626 Commissioner Districts: District 3 Townships near this City: Tumuli Dec 30, 2024 · It is imperative that Otter Tail County does everything it can to protect this vital natural resource to ensure the health of its citizens is protected. اذا أنت […] Board/Commission: Board of Commissioners Position: District 2 Term Expiration: January 2027 Phone: 218-863-7500 Email: [email protected] Mailing Address: 38992 183rd Ave To appear, call the Perham City Appraiser Brandie Hanson at 218-998-8014. They built the fort on the burial mound group to utilize the hilltop ’s prominent position, using principles of defense the leaders learned while Board/Commission: Board of Commissioners Position: District 1 Term Expiration: January 2029 Phone: 218-849-2143 Email: [email protected] Alt Phone: 218-346-3575 Mailing Address: Term Expiration: 2023 Phone: 218-639-0330 Mailing Address: 32071 633RD AVE Wadena, MN 56482. Information submitted via this form may become public information. qwmamdd tzn tqdu sccp ofnxu jkjh dkbqq uncuw jykgolx bjhdhhuj jlalx zvro gwmqhbu dayvoa wndpjke