World of darkness attribute specialties No dice pool higher than 7 before Specialties. 4 dot: 14 Attributes, 28 Skills. Social abilities are context based, and in their context you can happily share identical specialties without it being a paradox. For a Tremere social and mental attributes synergize better than physical for their disciplines, so if you weaken social attributes it makes your dominate rolls less effective, and if you diminish mental ones it can backfire with auspex and blood sorcery dice Step Seven: Specialties. A character's Attributes measure her raw potential, her Abilities measure her ability to use that potential. Ranging from one to five dots ( ) or sometimes, very rarely, up to ten dots ( ) or beyond , these Traits provide the basis Jumping, Particular Breeds (ie. ” Click on “+ Add. Such a character may be poorly educated, naive, or mentally slow. Add two more Attributes. ), Exalted, and Chronicles of Darkness (Vampire: The Retainers are servants, assistants, or loyal and steadfast companions. This combination was used for most World of Darkness. Attributes - Character Creation (WtA20, pg 116) Though you cannot raise any single Attribute above five dots, you can assign your dots in any way you see fit. If you try an action involving a Talent your Character creation is a little different than described in the World of Darkness Core Rule Book. Saur Ops Specialist. (You can't even get a specialty until your 4th dot). You pick a subset of the Attribute/Ability that your Character is good at. A community for fans of White Wolf's roleplaying games, notably the World of Darkness (Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, etc. This allows a superhuman being to capitalize on his natural ability. Sometimes, during time skip, we would allow a player to get a specialty (or a second one) instead of the usual discipline/attribute reward. A delicate touch. Arabians), Riding in Combat, Tricks, Tailing, Unfamiliar Horses. Four dots is extremely gifted or an expert in a skill. I allow specialties in both Abilities and Attributes, but haven't experienced any overlap - as Lys mentioned, even if a roll could benefit from a listed specialty in an Attribute and another from an Ability, tens counts as two Where can I find a comprehensive list for V20 specialties ? Skip to main content. I feel like Wits 1 is the best representation as Initiative is the main thing there, but in an ideal world Wits would be two different Attributes. How can I decide The problem is that the mechanics for building more specialized characters have usually been sub-par. Wyrd ••, any Social Attribute •••, Brawl or Weaponry Specialty: When you allocate successes from one of the named Skills in which you have a Specialty to perform subtle oneiromantic shifts in aid of combat, add a bonus success. Most people have Attribute scores between 1 (poor) and 3 (good), though exceptionally gifted individuals may have scores of 4 (excellent) or even 5 (peak human capacity). This Merit lets a character duplicate her Specialty in one Skill with another Skill. Most people have Attribute ratings between 1 (poor) and 3 (good), though exceptionally gifted individuals may have ratings of 4 (excellent) or even 5 (peak human capacity). No dice pool higher than 9 before Specialties. Last edited by 11twiggins; 03-21-2018, 08:25 AM and the World of Darkness copyright Paradox Interactive AB. The games system for playing CWoD games is called the Storyteller System. Typically a Skill is combined with an Attribute (and occasionally a third supernatural trait) to form a dice pool for an action, representing the character's natural prowess and No. Mortal and Mortal+ get 6/4/3, supernaturals get 7/5/3; Mental attributes: Perception instead of Resolve 10-again rule is limited to specialties ('+rules specialties') A community for fans of White Wolf's roleplaying games, notably the World of Darkness (Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, etc. I'd recommend Scene Queen, Osiris or maaaaybe Consensualist, depending on whether you want to walk the line of the Masquerade and play with the "real vampire!" Ask me if you want help with Attributes Better World Of Darkness Traits Fold Unfold. The Storyteller may also need to generate NPC encounters on the fly. I would like to hear your The historical World of Darkness games also used variant lists of Abilities: Archery, Ride and Theology were more appropriate to the Dark Ages setting than Firearms, Drive and Science, for example. In the Your character makes sense of the world through interdisciplinary thought. Go to Mythweaver and start an account. But I feel like 9 Attributes is a good place to draw the line. Rolling 10s and getting 2 successes works very well for Abilities, because the Specs can be specific and work well in this sense. May be purchased separately for multiple types. Let's start with attributes. and crush skulls like grapes. Table of Contents. The rules for character generation are neatly summarised on pages 34 and 35. 1e's Undertakings effectively double as Professions, granting a set of Skills that they can get free specialties in; 2e's Slashers get the ability to choose So my group is starting a mixed Classic Wold of Darkness chronicle with mages and shifters, and our Storyteller informed the mages that should they pass their Seekings and raise their Arete beyond 5 then they become capable of raising their Attribute and Abilities beyond 5 as well. * If one of your specialties applies (for example, you have an Attribute specialty applicable to the task), you can reroll 9's. Alertness: Alertness describes how attuned the character is to things he can see, smell, hear or touch, and depending 'on the story, perhaps things that are not so tangible. Although I understand and generally like the idea of “catch-all” Abilities and the possibility of buying several Specialties to reflect different expertises in a more general knowledge field, this presents some practical problems for me. Now that you have a solid concept, it's time to translate that into game mechanics. P. Players join to tell tales of mystery and horror, where theme, mood and plot are more important to a character’s experiences Every character has Attributes; they represent the basic potential of every person in the world, as well as most other living (and unliving) things. And the 5th attribute would thus cost 10 XP? Is there anything else I can spend base XP on? Can base XP also improve skills, or just practical XP? Practical XP is for Merits/Endowments (2/dot) or skills/skill specialties (3/dot, or 6 for the 5th Classic World of Darkness (cWoD),also known as just World of Darkness, Original World of Darkness or Old World of Darkness (oWoD), was the original world/game created in 1991, that continued releasing games until 2004. We rarely reward more than 1-2xp per session, so it's quite unlikely that a player would get more than one specialty (assuming he has one). If this is your first visit, I'm on the road, so don't have books w/me, but I don't recall Attribute specialties *not* being applicable to damage/soak rolls (though, like I said, don't have books with me). Most actions combine an Attribute and an appropriate Ability to form a dice pool that's rolled to determine a character's success and failure. The original "World of Darkness: Mummy" from VtM first ed covers this. Now when you want to blacksmith something you use your whole wits+crafts dice pool, rolling blacksmithing without the area of expertise would mean you only In the real world the deadlift record someone who is close to the peak of human potential is 1113 pounds to name just a single example. World of Darkness. Members Online. A community for fans of White Wolf's roleplaying games, notably the World of Darkness (Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, etc This article is for Skills in the Storytelling System. Ability Specialties provide a bonus die for a roll. Dexterity The Dexterity Attribute measures a character’s general physical prowess. Two dots represents average ability, three dots is above average, and four dots is someone who is truly exceptional. I would for example put Helena of Troy , while she was still human, as a 6 or 7 (i know impossible for human ,but c'mon a 20y war have supposed be fought in the Mental attributes indicate a character’s aptitude for problem-solving, learning, deduction, and general alertness. For skills in Storyteller System games, see Abilities. HTV 2e 159 Lure: Occult •• (Any One dot in an attribute means it’s a weakness, in a skill it means entry-level mastery. (Related Knowledge). You're looking for the New World of Darkness character sheet. they are out of this world, mythlogical beauty. For example you'd put blacksmithing. A character with five dots in an Attribute has reached the pinnacle of human potential. Attributes. Specialties: Iron Grip, Powerful Arms, Reserves of Strength, Fists Like Anvils * Poor: You can lift 40 lbs. The issue is purely Notes, summaries and a few house rules from The World Of Darkness Storytelling System Rulebook (2004 edition aka nWoD, ISBN-10: 1588464849, ISBN-13: 978-1588464842). Some vampire elders, those of strong blood, are rumored to have In your games, what attribute do you combine with Firearms? I have been using Dexterity, but recently I have been thinking that, as long as you have training in Firearms, the whole "firing a gun" process (which is, hitting a target at certain distance) should be more related to a mental attribute, maybe Perception or Wits. I have a 3 already in occult, giving me a total of 6. Below are the Specialty Systems I recommend, drawn both from the books and house rules I have played under; - A character’s Specialty causes any 10s on a Been using the rule where tens count as two successes when specialties are involved since V20 (the first time I heard of the rule). Remember that you can roll an Attribute by . Feel free to use it for discussions on World of Darkness books, card games, video games, etc. The World of Darkness Rulebook introduces a version of our contemporary world where the supernatural is real. 3 dot: 12 Attributes, 22 Skills. In essence, the character’s player (and those of any assistants, when using Teamwork) rolls Attribute + Skill or Attribute + secondary Skill, whichever is less. Some vampire elders have higher ratings still, Notes, summaries and a few house rules from The World Of Darkness Storytelling System Rulebook (2004 edition aka nWoD, ISBN-10: 1588464849, ISBN-13: 978-1588464842). Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Mummies have spellwork that allows creation of amulets that amplify base stats, so there's write-ups for each stat and what the system is (or just descriptors to work from) for each point 6-8 (where the amulets max out). Dexterity: Quickness. In the World of Darkness, characters are defined by their attributes, abilities, and advantages. If the character does not possess both skills, his player rolls with the untrained Skill penalty. Out of combat, it works well with Perception to give the character clues about his surroundings. The only way to improve your Talents is through direct experience - with the exception of a very few cases (such as studying a text on Jeet Kune Do to learn a dot or so of Brawl), these things can't be learned from a book or mail-order course. 5th Editions A community for fans of White Wolf's roleplaying games, notably the World of Darkness (Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, etc. ). See The World of Darkness (chapter 3) for more information. Included below are possible specialties for characters who’s Attributes exceed Level 5. As a rule of scaling, a 5 in any attribute for me is equivalent to mythological demigod. CTL 2e 112 Dreamweaver ••• Wyrd ••• A community for fans of White Wolf's roleplaying games, notably the World of Darkness (Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, etc. No dice pool higher than 5 before Specialties. Areas of expertise is for stuff like crafts. Jump to: Specialties: Black Market, Gangs, Rumors, Undercover Operations Contents. These assume V5 rules. The specialties for abilities make sense to me for the most part, but the ones for attributes seem vague. The Masquerade and the related World Of Darkness. I have the V20 core book, but it just gives 4-5 specialty names per attribute, with no description of what they do or if there are others. 1 . Add one dot in a new or existing Merit This fan-forge Material is not official World of Darkness material. Talents describe what you intuitively know, what you can do without coaching or instruction. Attributes are traits that measure a character's innate capabilities in both the Storyteller and Sto In both systems, the majority of characters have nine attributes, grouped into three categories: Physical, Social and Mental. Specialities would be a good idea here: you will probably get at least one from your Predator Type. Manipulation is your ability to make people do what you want, not necessarily by being charming or sweet, though it can be, but by making their thoughts and emotions do as you predict. Secondary Abilities and similar extra Ability systems add system bloat and have trouble balancing the cost of the more narrow traits with increased Book: The World Of Darkness Core, p. They applied back-in-the-day: "Tireless" for Stamina, for example, allowed you the Hunter: The Reckoning was the flagship game of White Wolf's Year of the Reckoning and the second gameline released by Renegade Game Studios for World of Darkness' 5th edition. Statistics Attributes and abilities work as they would normally, except that the anti-magic attribute is not used in this world, nor are the magical disciplines. - From Edge of Darkness Wiki. Unless otherwise noted, exceeding these requirements is fine. Strength is a measure of muscle. A character with five dots in an Attribute has reached the peak of human potential within that ability. Example: Performance 4 - Bass Guitar means your Char gets double successes for rolling 10s. Strength: [] Attribute specialties and Talent specialties cannot coincide; ie, one cannot get a Melee specialty and a Dexterity specialty that provide the bonus on 10s for the same roll. Please use this page as a guide instead of the corebook. Strength: Physical might. ), Exalted, and Chronicles of Darkness (Vampire: The A community for fans of White Wolf's roleplaying games, notably the World of Darkness (Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, etc The Nine Attributes are divided into three groups: Mental, Physical and Social, and then divided into three use-based Categories: Power, Finesse and R [OFFICIAL] Character Sheet FAQ - World of Darkness 2 dot: 10 Attributes, 16 Skills. Take three skill specialties of your choice, whether in a single skill, or spread among several. Well, considering Attributes and Abilities generally only go to 5 anyway, you are basically the most charismatic person on the planet, and almost the most For the benefit of players more familiar with New World of Darkness aka Chronicles of Darkness, this is an unofficial guide to how OWoD/CWoD differs from NWoD. Faith and willpower play a special role and are used, but not as attributes. I -the extremist- propose getting rid of attribute specialties It's best to think of specialties as a specific area of focus that come into play when they would apply. Especially la All characters in Werewolf: The Apocalypse have Attributes, representing the basic abilities of human beings and similar creatures. Streetwise Skill. As an example, how are buff, ripped, and mighty different from one another as Attributes reflect a character’s physical, social, and mental capabilities. ), Exalted, and Chronicles of Darkness (Vampire: The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, etc. Normal mortal humans and most animals are limited to ratings of between 1 and 5, though in extreme cases they may have attribute ratings of zero. He quoted from some book, I don't recall, but he also insisted werewolves have a similar In neither of those cases does Appearance need to be a standard 1-to-5 Attribute. In Trinity Universe games, Abilities were grouped under the Attribute with which they were primarily associated. There's a lot of scenarions (wits + insight being one) that it makes more sense to mix it up. Pick an appropriate Merit/Background that is linked to Legendary, it costs 1 less to purchase, but can only work with that Attribute (ex: you could get Ability Aptitude in Athletics linked to Dexterity, but it isn't going to help you on weight lifting or marathon rolls because those aren't Dex based). Aaaand they say nothing. Former thief turned security specialist Kincaid Lawrence "Cade" Foster’s life was idyllic, with a beautiful wife, good job and a nice house. I call mine PosMod and See The World of Darkness (chapter 3), for more information. 30 of the core book: "All characters start with one dot in each attribute, which is below average for that Attribute. notably the World of Darkness (Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, etc. Vampire: The Masquerade. Physical Attributes. Alertness usually kicks in even Charisma, Manipulation, and Appearance make up the Social category; Perception, Intelligence, and Wits comprise the Mental Traits category. No dice pool higher than 10 before Specialties. For example, there's the list: Smooth, Graceful, Nimble, Feline Reflexes, Hand-Eye Coordination. With that one weapon (a rapier or katana, for example), you may substitute your character’s Dexterity for Strength when making attack rolls. * You can reroll these dice even if the difficulty is higher than the reroll number. If the target's type has been studied before, the Occult roll is not necessary. So, the peak dead lifter in our world would have a strength of 8 nearing 9 in vtm 20 using the strength chart. In combat, it's often paired with Wits to gauge reaction and response time. The capacity to lift objects, move items, hit things and people, and do damage. For example, I made a character with two Attributes: Dexterity, with a value of 3, and Firearms, with a value of 2. Step Eight: Threshold & Antithesis Select a Musing/Ravaging Threshold (per below), or leave blank for now They live in the deepest part of the World of Darkness. For example, a character with a Socialize Specialty in Formal Events is very different from one with a Specialty in Dive Bars. But only one specialty of every attribute or ability could be used at on the same roll (so no tripple 10s from having two strength specialties applying). It encompasses the character’s speed, agility and overall RAW, the Specialties system presented in V20 is just so at 4 and 5 in Attributes and Abilities you get to pick a Specialty, which gives you the "10s count as 2 successes" perk for that particular roll. Favoured Attribute: Every House has two favoured A character's Specialties say a lot about them. I have recently purchased M20 and I’m loving it. The attributes and the Abilities themselves are explained in the following chapters. There are 30 Abilities, divided into 10 Talents, 10 A place to discuss Vampire: The Masquerade and the related World Of Darkness. ** Average: You can lift 100 lbs. That's why V5 ditched Attribute specializations, which in my A community for fans of White Wolf's roleplaying games, notably the World of Darkness (Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, etc Hello everyone. They represent the basic potential of every person in the world, as well as most other living (and unliving) things. Step 4: Select Skill Specialties. So you might have Investigation: Minute Details which would come into play when there is the potential for minor changes that don't otherwise stand out, or Intimidation: Veiled Threats, which would apply when you're making threats that are implied rather than overt. * If you have two specialties that apply (say, Attribute and Ability specialties both make sense), then you can reroll 8's. 1 Working the Black Market. A place to discuss Vampire: The Masquerade and the related World Of Darkness. Not to be confused with New World of Darkness. In preparation for my group’s character creation (mostly happened today, although each character still has a few details to work through except my wife’s character, who basically has a few details on paper and 90% to work out, but she lives A place to discuss Vampire: The Masquerade and the related World Of Darkness. Specialties have a rating from 1 with a maximum of half your skill rating rounded up and give you one extra die per rank when using the skill in this particular field. ” Give the Attribute a name and a value. Three dots is above average for attributes, or experienced for a skill. In Hunter's first edition, the player characters are Imbued, chosen by mysterious powers to protect humanity against the monsters of the night. Dexterity indicates how quickly and with how much finesse your character responds to his physical world Main Page > New World of Darkness > Quick NPCs Many chronicles have large casts of NPCs, and the Storyteller may not have time to crank out a half-dozen detailed character sheets for each game. A character may not have more than three Specialties in an Ability. ), Exalted, and Chronicles of Darkness Selecting Your Character's Attributes. Many vampires’ servants are ghouls, ghouled animals, or people whom you’ve repeatedly Dominated or completely enthralled. For some their attributes can even go beyond the normal human standards into truly supernatural levels. The more dots you have, the better you are with the Attribute in question. On the other hand, if a character has low Mental attributes, she is not as capable. Sheer bodily power. World of Darkness 20th Anniversary One-Sheet WOD 20th: Andreas Cornaro Science ••• (Specialty) Common Sense related to Science: FC 133 Supernatural Lore • to ••••• Know the ways of a particular type of supernatural being. Strength + Athletics or Brawl + Potency: Strength + Brawl (1/3) Intelligence + Occult (1/2) Extract a sample from the target for every turn of success. Add one dot to a single Attribute Integrity . Abilities, Specialties, Well-Skilled, and how these combine in various ways 09-16-2023, 09:37 AM. That includes knowing how to make people angry so they make Specialties & the Well-Skilled Craftsman The function of Specialties has changed several times across the World of Darkness versions and game lines. The Crinos war-form enhances a Most specific applications of an Attribute are modified by a Skill, so description by example will often not describe the Attribute alone very well. If you're trying to do a Dex+Performance to impress a crowd with Acrobatics though it would be definitely fitting. It should look like this. A specialty is a skill in which you are particularly good. Chronicles of Darkness 45: Interdisciplinary Specialty (•) Skill at ••• or higher with a Specialty: World of Darkness 115-116 and Chronicles Every Vampire character has Attributes. In the Storytelling System, Skills are traits that represent a character's acquired capabilities. 110 Prerequisite: Dexterity ••• and Weaponry •• Effect: Your character prefers to fight with a chosen weapon in a manner that favors agility over power. But as I said, that depends on how you handle time skip. You can lift 650 lbs. Specialty related to the target's type (Any) Dexterity + Medicine vs. Seems like common sense, right? Exalted, the Chronicles of Darkness, and the World of Darkness copyright Paradox Interactive AB. Cap for that Attribute goes up by 1. Abilities are the Traits that describe what you know and what you've learned to do. A character with high Mental attributes is attentive, logical, or intuitive. Attributes are divided into three categories: Physical - Strength, Dexterity, Stamina Attributes. . Five dots is human peak in both attributes and skills. We read books many times and can't understand what they really do. Quick NPCs do Go to the section labeled “Attributes. Don't fall into the trap that you must always associate a physical attributes with a physical skill, social with social and mental with mental. This is good in theory, as it lets someone who is an expert in opera perform an Aria better than a punk singer of similar skill. Note that if an Attribute is only at superhuman levels in certain forms A place to discuss Vampire: The Masquerade and the related World Of Darkness. Prerequisites: The Attributes, Skills, other Merits, background events, or other conditions necessary to purchase this Merit. If your Spec is in Climbing, it's obvious when it World of Darkness [] In Vampire: The Masquerade First Edition, Specialities only applied to traits with three or more dots, and the mechanical effect was to some extent at the Storyteller's For the most part, specialties are relatively straight forward- but what happens as your character progresses into lategame, and you begin to have more Attributes/Talents at 4+ than not? It World of Darkness. Two dots is average for an attribute, or professional level for a skill. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Specialties come too late for most Abilities, and don't stack with Attribute based ones. Attributes - Description (WtA20, pg 123-124) A few gifted individuals — including the pack — can have ratings of 4 (excellent) or 5 (world-class). "Graceful" doesn't really help if you're attacking someone. Record specialties for Attributes or Abilities rated 4 or higher. Terminology [] A simple introduction to what each stat means in World of Darkness terms. Specialties. GotU 15 Technophile • or •• Encyclopedic Knowledge in one topic: Arm 208 Tolerance for Biology • Resistance Attribute •• Capping. The majority of people have Attributes rated between 1 Every character based in the World of Darkness has Attributes. Add a dot of Integrity Merit . The specialties are meant meant apply when they "match" the action. Member. 2 . Join Date: Nov 2013; Posts Where would I find a list of attribute specialties and a explanation of what they do? Been searching the books online and forums but can only find a list of the specialties without any info them. 5 dots: 18 Attributes, 34 Skills. Create a character sheet (under the "Sheet" portion of the site). Step 5: Add the supernatural template. However, I have some doubts regarding character creation. That's the core book for what is known today as the "Chronicles of Darkness", a parallel variant to the World of Darkness with a different set of rules and different set of characters. You can have it as, like, a merit or a power or something- in fact, Vampire has several powers for luring people in to feed on them. " A community for fans of White Wolf's roleplaying games, notably the World of Darkness (Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, etc. These rules describe how to quickly generate NPCs for the new World of Darkness games. She sees metaphorical connections between different fields of study and, through those connections, achieves greater comfort and success more easily in both. Response time. The only reason for Appearance to be a standard 1-to-5 Attribute is for when it's a core component of a dice pool that you expect to roll somewhat often. Hello everyone. I began a story with my friends and one of them want to play a guy who likes fighting, and his character has high Dexterity, so he can choose a speciality. page revision But in terms of the fluff and crunch of each, there's not much difference: 1e's Slashers get an Undertaking Attribute at 5, while 2e's Slashers get to select which Attribute they get at 5. Attributes: Intelligence • Wits • Resolve • Strength • Dexterity • Stamina • Presence • Manipulation • I have a question that is a bit weird Can a character purchase an attribute or an ability that is above 5? Say, for example, I have a totem who gives me a +3 to my occult stat. Attribute Specialties provide double 10s for a roll. Finally, remember just how exceptional going beyond five dots is. Though some skill rolls uses the basic skill roll rules, they possess a capping Skill. It currently consists of two editions. These are likely to be your two-dotters. Where noted, favorite rules from the previous “old World of Darkness” rules from the 1990s are modified and included here. Most people have Attribute scores between 1 (poor) and 3 (good), though exceptionally gifted individuals may have scores of 4 (excellent) or even 5 (peak human capacity). cjofcd ygeoccd cmykv fbbump vstdd ueib aodzb xdgfz ryibvbxw jnlssq ctmr ltxqf fzcfwpdu cfh tcqk