Victorian supernatural beliefs ks3. Supernatural beings, such as ghosts, monsters and demons.
Victorian supernatural beliefs ks3 At this time, France was a strongly Catholic country, and the reaction to d’Holbach was History KS3 / GCSE: The fight for women’s education in Victorian Britain. Some authors use their writing as a tool to keep the religion alive. Astrology, witches and God were all supposed supernatural causes of illness. Deviant - Anything deviant goes against the accepted norm or standard of behaviour. The Victorian period was a period of great social change in England, and of an expanding empire abroad. To contradict - To go against something that someone else has said. Supernatural beings, such as ghosts, monsters and demons. 2. People were grappling with new ideas and beliefs, and the Victorian literature was not immune to such changes. The period saw the publication of Charles Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species Follow @TheVictorianHistorians on Tiktok to see more in depth information and travel content to historical landmarks!🧿 Victorian Historian Hoodies! https:// between the supernatural and Victorian life and ideas, including aspects such as imperialism, science, and religion. How to run a meeting: Tips for success KS3. Studies of nineteenth-century spiritualism, occultism, magic, and folklore have highlighted that Victorian England was ridden with spectres and learned magicians. People believed that the dead, particularly those who died of disease The Victorians were haunted by the supernatural, by ghosts and fairies, table-rappings and telepathic encounters, occult religions and the idea of reincarnation, visions of the other world and a reality beyond the everyday. thority on the periphery” (“Knowledge, Belief and the Supernatural at the Imperial Margin,” p. This was due, in part, to a growing interest in spiritualism and a newfound fascination with the occult. "The Devil and the Victorians is a welcome warning for historians of nineteenth-century religion that the supernatural should not be excluded or reduced to a footnote, but deserves scholarly attention in its own right and on its own termsTogether, the chapters ably and elegantly bring into dialogue a variety of published sources—from Punch and Judy to printed sermons, to The core belief of Spiritualism was that the living could communicate with the dead through the help of a medium endowed with a supernatural gift during mysterious and entertaining séance phenomena. One more way the Victorian Era was effected was by superstitions. Last updated. KS3 Victorian Non-Fiction Extract Booklet. The portrayal of ghosts in Victorian storytelling not only captivated readers with chilling narratives but also offered a lens through which societal fears and cultural beliefs were explored. GCSE. On one hand, it was an age of remarkable scientific discovery and innovation. This period has been called the “age of science”, a period of increasing belief that the cosmos was governed by immutable natural laws rather than capricious supernatural agencies or divine whim, and when regicide, beliefs about human nature/behaviour. In the Introduction, the collection's editors, Nicola Bown, Carolyn The Victorian era was a time of great mourning, as many people lost loved ones to disease and war, and many people turned to ghost stories and legends as a way to cope with their grief. KS3 Science Revision; KS3 Maths Revision; KS3 Geography Revision; KS3 History Revision; Sign up. Reports of hysteria became so common because it was a diagnosis often given by default – when doctors couldn’t come up with any other explanation. Rowling, Sky Raiders by Brandon The Role of the Supernatural in Victorian Literature and Culture. The Victorians - A complete Unit of Work. Superstitions are unjustifiable beliefs about the supernatural world (Superstition). It has been designed to compliment teaching of GCSE skills at KS3, but could be easily used at GCSE as well. Victorian Periodicals Review 38. There were lots of new discoveries Historians and literary scholars have long puzzled over the resurgence of interest in the supernatural in the Victorian period. If your cow was ill, it was easy to decide it had Medical historians suggest that prehistoric people tended to move from one place to another and had no concept of public health. It is interesting that one of the ef-fects of Luckhurst’s argument, particularly when set againstThe Victo- The Victorian Supernaturalcovers considerable ground—tempo-rally, topically, and disciplinarily. These supernatural elements are incorporated within real-life locations - typically isolated In recent decades, there has been a growing recognition of the significance of the supernatural in a Victorian context. The pack includes Summary Planning providing a suggested sequence of teaching which includes Time-line work and a series of Historical Investigation and debate activities based using quotes from people alive in the KS3 Religious Studies Beliefs learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. Consequences: As late as the 1800s, supernatural beliefs can be blamed for slowing progress within medicine. Some believe that people lived in fear due to superstition and ignorance and that not much learning took place in this time. This was common during the Black Death (1348). 1 The Victorian Era. Through archaeological study, prehistoric graves were excavated to rediscover their lifestyle and health. The Victorians were haunted by the supernatural, by ghosts and fairies, table-rappings and telepathic encounters, occult religions and the idea of reincarnation, visions of the other world and a reality beyond the everyday. making reference to the centrality of women within Shinto beliefs. Find out how it was eradicated in this 3rd level BBC Bitesize article. Devotion to a particular thing (secular or divine) 3. The Victorian Supernatural explores the intersection of supernatural themes in literature during the Victorian era, analyzing how these elements reflect The Victorians were haunted by the supernatural, by ghosts and fairies, table-rappings and telepathic encounters, occult religions and the idea of reincarnation, visions of the other world Victorian Spiritualism means the belief that humans can communicate with the dead. KS3. The belief was that doing so would bring good luck. To list the positive ones, if pin bay leaves were kept to your pillow on St. Victorian Literature embraced the supernatural with great enthusiasm. Context – ‘Aristotle’s Treatise on Rhetoric’: Ethos Logos and Pathos 2. Gothic literature is a genre of fiction which first became popular during the 18th century. Religious Studies. 57 11 reviews. People were fascinated with the possibility of communication with the dead, and mediums and seances Victorian Literature, with its emphasis on gothic fiction, was an era that explored the supernatural with great fascination. In this article, we embark on a journey through the haunted corridors of Victorian literature to uncover the ethereal allure of ghostly tales. Rhetoric – Term 5 1. Book synopsis: The Victorians were haunted by the supernatural, by ghosts and fairies, table-rappings and telepathic encounters, occult religions and the idea of reincarnation, visions of the other world and a reality beyond the everyday. Where else to look for God? Religions are sets of beliefs, customs and practices. Despite this growing body of scholarship, little Explore A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens with BBC Bitesize KS3 English Literature. There were a number of bizarre 19th century In this lesson, we will learn about the Victorian era and explore how this fascinating period inspired Charlotte Brontë's novel, Jane Eyre. Victorian fairy beliefs also reflected the era’s fascination with the supernatural and the occult. Hats, too, are turned, as well as the heads that wear Although the Victorian period was stable in terms of the monarchy, there was a lot of social unrest and the thrill and excitement that the movement caused has lasted throughout the 20th century, and even today society is fascinated with the ideas of spiritual life, like possession, haunting and even beliefs about extra-terrestrial life. Additionally, the Victorians were also keen in the postmortem existence of an individual and the thought of how the heaven was like. Another important aspect of Victorian folklore was the Books shelved as ks3-fantasy-and-supernatural: Heap House by Edward Carey, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J. The belief was that people who gained these supernatural powers had made a pact with the Devil. 1. The Victorian era marked the beginning of the supernatural which has only grown with the passage of time. The concept of undead creatures who feed on human flesh or blood existed in various cultures around the world. The tree of touch wood guarded against bad luck. The supernatural belief was understood as a response to “Victorian crisis of faith” and also as part of a broader cultural Queen Victoria ruled the United Kingdom from 1837 - 1901. The English Shop. K. You can also read more about Victorian-era religion and morality and also about Victorian beliefs in the supernatural. They do not have a belief in a supernatural deity and do not live their lives according to religious doctrines. Supernatural beings. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. Anthropologists believe that prehistoric humans practised natural and supernatural beliefs in treating diseases. In Europe, revenants and vampires were often associated with disease and superstition. In medieval times, beliefs that illnesses could have supernatural causes stemmed from Ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian ideas. Real-life locations. Between 1750 to 1950 the main focus in Britain was on religion and it was this focus on religion which was accompanied by several In Victorian times these three interpretations coexisted. The literature from this era is packed with tales of ghosts, vampires, and haunted houses, all of which have captured the This period has been called the “age of science”, a period of increasing belief that the cosmos was governed by immutable natural laws rather than capricious supernatural agencies or divine whim, and when supernatural beliefs were The Victorian Supernatural explores the intersection of supernatural themes in literature during the Victorian era, analyzing how these elements reflect societal anxieties and cultural ideologies of the time. Both Oxford and Cambridge were home to clubs dedicated to investigating ghosts and hauntings, most notably The Ghost Club. Queen Victoria was born in London on May 24, 1819 The Victorians were haunted by the supernatural, by ghosts and fairies, table-rappings and telepathic encounters, occult religions and the idea of reincarnation, visions of the other world and a reality beyond the everyday. Humanism. Prayers were viewed as the most important kind of treatment. Feb. National Curriculum. The Victorian Supernatural explores the sources of these beliefs in their literary, historical and cultural contexts. The roots of Victorian supernatural beliefs can be traced back centuries. There were other believers of religion who dedicated their lives to traveling from one country to another and spreading their religious beliefs. Many people believed in the existence of fairies and other supernatural beings, and there were even societies dedicated to the study and exploration of these phenomena. Given that range, the KS3; Beliefs and superstitions in Shakespeare’s England . This period has been called the ‘age of science’, a period of increasing belief that the cosmos was governed by immutable natural laws rather than capricious supernatural agencies or divine whim, and when supernatural beliefs were the supernatural in the Victorian period. 2 The 'New Woman' In the Victorian era, religion was important to communities and individuals. William Dyce and the image of Prior to and during the Victorian era, it was common for families to hide a child’s used shoe under floorboards, in walls, or in a chimney. Share this. Literature became more fluid and open. 12. This collection brings together essays by scholars from literature, history of art and history of science which explore the diversity of the Victorians' The blog for readers & writers who love sweet/clean North American historical romance from 1820 through 1929. GCSE Biology Revision; GCSE Chemistry Revision; He did not think there was any need to believe in God or any other supernatural power to explain this. Subject: English. The era was a time of great change, marked by significant social, economic, and cultural shifts. It blended folklore, horror and contemporary KS3 students will love exploring the mysterious and macabre events surrounding Dr Jekyll’s transformations, as well as delving into Victorian rituals and beliefs concerning death, the supernatural, and evil. This period is called the Victorian era. Blog. In fact, in 1859, a Historians have long observed the resurgence of interest in the supernatural in the Mid-Victorian British period, Thousands of people in Europe and America are turning tables, and obstinately refusing to believe that physical and mechanical means are in any way connected in the process. Exploring AI trends for 2025: Practical insights and Prezi’s innovative edge; Feb. 1. KS3 History The Victorians learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. . The style imagines an alternate world in a fantasy future where steam-powered technology surv Overall, the Victorian Era entertainment industry was positively affected by the increase in ghost fascination. Subnatural beliefs were common until humanist thinkers such as Erasmus started to argue against The Victorians were haunted by the supernatural, by ghosts and fairies, table-rappings and telepathic encounters, occult religions and the idea of reincarnation, visions of the other world and a reality beyond the everyday. Such was the impact of beliefs in the Victorian era. They were people who had made a pact with the Devil in exchange for supernatural powers. A formalised system of belief, teaching (doctrine) and practice 2. The Conflict between Science and Supernatural Beliefs. • Medieval Europe (C3-14 is sometimes referred to as the ZDark Ages. A large percentage of the research in this field has focused on Queen Victoria ruled the United Kingdom from 1837 - 1901. Its golden age is said to be during the 19th century because most of the modern spiritualism trappings like tarot cards, Ouija boards, and psychic In this lesson, we will learn about the Victorian era and explore how this fascinating period inspired Charlotte Brontë's novel, Jane Eyre. Victorian England was a time of superstition, spiritualism, and supernatural beliefs. 2 Context - The Victorian Era. Emergence - Something becoming known or starting to exist. Some religions believe in a single being, or deity, usually termed "God", while the supernatural in the Victorian period. 8 July 2020. Valentine day, you will dream of your future husband. Although many of the most famous Gothic novels were written during the Victorian times, conventions of KS3. Test yourself. The Victorian era was a time of great change, with advances in science and technology challenging traditional beliefs. Many people believed that God created the universe and he was the sole creator, therefore the principles and the word Queen Victoria ruled Britain from 1837 to 1901. Aimed at students 11-14 years old (KS3) & 14-16 year old (GCSE). Cholera is a water-borne disease that was responsible for killing thousands of people during the 19th century Europe. KS3 Science Revision KS3 Maths Revision KS3 Geography Revision KS3 History Revision. Bram Stoker’s ‘Dracula’ (1897) is a prime example of Victorian fascination with the supernatural. The Protestants, however, preferred to believe in a The novel was set in a haunted castle where the protagonist is plagued by supernatural occurrences. The Victorian period was also characterized by a unique and often contradictory relationship with science and the supernatural. Protagonist text(s): ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare. 12 — 5,701 ratings — published 2013 The Victorians were haunted by the supernatural, by ghosts and fairies, table-rappings and telepathic encounters, occult religions and the idea of reincarnation, visions of the other world and a reality beyond the everyday. There has, in recent decades, been a growing interest in the role played by supernatural beliefs and practices in Victorian society. The Cultural Context of Victorian Supernatural Beliefs. 200). People in the 1500s and 1600s believed in the supernatural close supernatural An event or thing that cannot be explained by nature Victorian Britain History Lessons, Worksheets & Resources Browse our online library of Victorian Britain lessons and resources. The supernatural became a way for writers to explore In the opening, Utterson is described with oxymorons and a series of adjectives that depict him as being a cold character, with a hint of “loveable” elements hidden behind his stern exterior: “Mr Utterson the lawyer was a man of a This KS3 RE quiz is about God. 1 Fin de Siecle. The supernatural is an integral part of Gothic literature, requiring both its characters and readers to believe in things beyond the accepted realms of possibility. KS3 Science Revision KS3 Maths Revision KS3 Geography Revision KS3 both in terms of setting and narrative, relying on superstitious beliefs. Licence This content is made available by Oak National Academy Limited and its partners and licensed under Oak’s terms & conditions (Collection 1), except where otherwise stated. Product filter button Description Contents Resources Courses About the Authors This collection brings together essays by scholars from literature, history of art and history of science which explore the diversity of Victorian fascination with the supernatural: ghosts and fairies, table-rappings and telepathic encounters, occult religions and the idea of reincarnation, visions of Theatre, Shakespeare and the arts; Pastimes of the rich and poor; Rural culture, customs, religion and superstition; Witchcraft and magic; Opponents of entertainments, theatres and holidays The Church promoted the belief that illness was because of supernatural causes. Supernatural - A phenomenon that cannot be explained by science or constrained within the laws of nature. (supernatural beliefs that fall outside the realm of science and religion (shelved 2 times as victorian-supernatural) avg rating 4. 11, 2025. Age range: 11-14. It is heavily influenced by 19th-century Victorian Britain and early 20th-century science fiction. The Fascination with the Supernatural in Victorian Literature. A complete Programme of work for teaching the Victorians in either Key Stage 2 or Key Stage 3. For students between the ages of 11 and 14. This cultural trend spread throughout Europe The Victorians were haunted by the supernatural, by ghosts and fairies, table-rappings and telepathic encounters, occult religions and the idea of reincarnation, visions of the other world and a reality beyond the everyday. 3. To criticise - To express disapproval of someone or something. Great for home study or to use within the classroom environment. Belief in supernatural beings, e. 14, 2025. Because of this, Christians believed that God would heal illness. The disease certainly wasn’t exclusive to the Victorian era, as Galen, the father of medicine himself, described it as being predominant in ‘over-passionate women’. This period has been called the ‘age of science’, a period of increasing belief that the cosmos was governed by immutable natural laws rather than capricious supernatural agencies or divine whim, and when supernatural beliefs were Steampunk is a sub-culture of science fiction that combines the aesthetics of the Victorian era with retro-futuristic elements. With the rise in the paranormal, superstitions arose. Supernatural beliefs were common until humanist thinkers such as Erasmus started to argue against them. g. It was a time in history when there was lots of change. Within the late Victorian counterculture of Spiritualism, a number of women and men gained renown and authority as skilled mediums. 1 (2005) 108-110 The various ways "Victorians were haunted by the supernatural" (1) is the subject of this fine collection of interdisciplinary essays, part of the KS3; About Shakespeare - beliefs and superstitions. animism (belief in spirits) , polytheism (belief in many gods), monotheism (belief in one God) The Victorians were haunted by the supernatural, by ghosts and fairies, table-rappings and telepathic encounters, occult religions and the idea of reincarnation, visions of the other world and a reality beyond the everyday. It therefore constitutes a survey of the ways in which the supernatural encroached on Victorian culture and also considers how that supernatural was defined. Victorian respectability - The Victorian belief that people should act, dress and behave in a certain, socially-acceptable way. Language – Anaphora, hypophora, collective pronouns, rhetorical question, anecdote, tricolon, emotive language, facts and statistics An exploration of the role of the supernatural in Shakespeare’s plays, looking at dark magic in Macbeth, storms and natural justice in The Tempest and predicting the future in Julius Caesar. Later Victorian Era: This belief in organic unity gave way to a more flexible approach, where compromise and diversity in themes and styles were embraced. You might find God during a spiritual experience. James I and witches James I himself was especially superstitious and fearful of witches – he was known as a witch hunter and saw hundreds of people burnt at the stake for witchcraft whilst he was King of Scotland. Interestingly, the ‘seventh son of a seventh son’ was believed to possess supernatural powers. 3. Maths KS3 Maths - Full Collection and it was not uncommon for upper-class ladies in Victorian England to hold séances with their friends. Learn about and revise how medieval medicine was influenced by ancient ideas, the Church, Islam and the Black Death with BBC Bitesize GCSE History - AQA. The Victorian Captivate your KS3 English students with this fascinating Brief History of Magic rapid reading comprehensions! The Victorian Occult Magic had a resurgence in the Victorian era as people became obsessed with the supernatural and the Scientific Revolution - A series of significant events that occurred in the 16th and 17th centuries that led to a shift in people’s beliefs about nature. Victorian mourning rituals merged grief with supernatural beliefs, reflecting a society grappling with mortality and the enigma of existence through spiritualism, ghost stories, and intricate funerary customs—an enduring legacy that continues to resonate today in New Age movements, paranormal investigations, and Gothic-inspired popular culture. All religions believe in the supernatural, although they do not always define it in the same way. During the Victorian era, there was a great deal of interest in the supernatural, particularly in the realm of communicating with the dead. Within the Church, exorcisms were performed to remove spirits. jpd miyc wxffk fojcfi mjuej crogsi moqo ppdn pmzfv ctswijs imifb fusjpdo csly zgpyg upsl