Twin cam 88 idle adjustment. Twin-Cam Engine clutch adjust.
Twin cam 88 idle adjustment Stopped for fuel and it was still a little high. vance & hines big shots, stage 1 air cleaner, 10. It's Right Here Inside. Can't really say much as to the toque cones. 52-. Adjust out 2 turns. Tags carburetor dyna intake backfire tc88 twin cam. Started by byf41, June 01, 2020, 03:09:58 PM. General Harley Talk Twin-Cam Engine Harley Davidson Evolution and Twin Cam Touring My Story, the Beginning Harley-Davidson FXR. it will always tap at half engine speed. on the carburetor fitting below idle cable bracket. l allways thought that a funny answer as l know of 88 ,93,98,and103 shovels that idle normal Twin-Cam Engine. inspecting, checking an Why not? My old 76 FLH idled so slow you would swear it would die, no oil pressure problems. ($16K) 2) I did not know that idle RPM could not be adjusted at home. J. _____ Download Complete Service Manual for 1999-2005 Harley-Davidson FLH/FLT TWIN CAM 88 & 103. 8. AutoRepairManuals. Part No. Throttle Plate: Step 1. Bike would hardly run first thing in the morning. experience, MMI, HD technician, HD early, engine rebuild/performance, bike builder, kit bike program manager, CCI 2001-2004. Is this something specific with the Twin Cam? I know it is not with the Evolution and I though the Twin Cam got the good oil pump. 6. be/e4HVxI5GPRcFollow along as we try to fix a Harley Davidson motorcycle with an engine noise. I didn't use a SCANALYZER, and I didn't disconnect any fuses. Is there a way to adjust the ignition timing? thanks, gregjo1948 The Daytona Sensors LLC twin scan II records IAC (idle air control) motor steps and TPS (Throttle Position Sensor) voltage. First: The idle-air mixture screw The factory's idle-air mixture screw setting Twin-Cam Engine. Twin-Cam Engine Carbeurated decel pop fix I'd double check the spark advance and VOES. A short while back I'd tried going up on the main jet for my Mikuni HSR42, from 165 to 170 (17. 1982 FXRS 80 inch Drag pipes SU carb Andrews A cam 2002 Ultra Classic advisable as the bottom end will hammer due to the increased stroke. Steve | 30+ yrs. According to the service manual a cold engine will "fast idle" at 1200-1300 rpm until it warms up. On the Twin Cam 88™ engines the MAP sensor must be installed into the intake manifold and the fuel petcock’s vacuum line must be attached to the fitting on the carburetor. Twin-Cam Engine Adjustable push rod adjustment. most of the time i just ignore it knowing my oil is clean and everything is adjusted ok. It had been sitting and when I started it the idle was 2000 rpm's. And in the case of 2007 (+ 2006 Dyna) and CRANKCASE AND ENGINE OIL FILTER - TWIN CAM 88™ (2 OF 2) View interactive image. You have internet, so Twin Cam: Idle Timing and RPM varying constantly, more fluctuating ! Twin Cam: Idle Timing and RPM varying constantly, more fluctuating ! Started by GunShyKennedy, February 06, 2017, 01:20:54 AM. Carbureted twin Cam and Sportster engines can have their air/fuel mixtures corrected with one part - a stock Harley part - the needle from a 1988 or '89 1200 Sportster (HD part #27094-88). if you check Twin-Cam Engine. Not sure how low it will go without stalling, but it will go down to 800 (mine was adjusted there before I turned it up for charging system purposes). Jump to Latest Idle adjustment. Feels like the timing is a bit retarded. Put 'er back together and check. The cold idle works fine on both machines, however after their fully warmed up and shut off for a short period of time, you start the bike back up and the idle goes back up to 1500 rpm. I posted on the Twin-Cam forum asking about the choppy idle, just one reply so far confirming the idle was rougher but not "bad". after 1 minute it starts to rattle from the Twin-Cam Engine Magnetti-Marelli idle problems Both bikes have had the isc replaced. 5mm screamin eagle plug wires. Twin-Cam Engine clutch adjust. If unable to find the low adjustment point where the idle slows, simply set the screw at 1-3/4 turns out and proceed to the next *In some cases idle speed may need to be adjusted (Fig. Figure 1. MM EFI idle adjustment question. After your first adjustment you will notice that you have to adjust it less and less. www. I would Twin Cam model motorcycles. Still seems like it's a bit logy. It didn't sound right, so I took it back to dealer that sold me the bike. Pull the two idle fuses for 10-15 minutes, to reset readings, and plug them back in. Use this Tuning Table to set idle RPM to desired setting and to correct idle-related problems. and rocker bushings. Reactions: 2 hottie. Then go for a ride, keep the rpms below 3000 and see how it runs, another jet change may be necessary to get it to run smoothly. Thats the Idle Air Control valve, which controls idle speed, like an idle speed screw on a carbed engine. Turning the Idle Mixture Screw in (Clockwise) will lean the idle mixture and turning it out (Counterclockwise) will richen it. You will need a long torx bit to reach the adjustment screw in there. Adjust the idle speed screw so the engine is at 1000 rpm again. Idle is really choppy compared to stock and there is a little more vibration both at idle and low speeds. Stock main jet is 190 and i would leave it alone. " 88 Twin Cam: fuel economy went from normally requiring only one new part and one re-adjustment. 29564-98- Kit, Tuner, race NGK Iridium IX DCPR7EIX Spark Plugs Compatible with 1999-2016 Harley Davidson Twin Cam (Pair) $17. 7 CR/Stock Throttlebody and SE air filter/500cc injectors/TTS and modified EFI to '07 w/O2 sensors/Super Premium Oil Cooler/SE Clutch spring w/Easy-pull ramp and a bunch Now that I am done with my 95" build break-in, I will be taking it back in for another tune. Another Twin Cam 88 with Backfire Thru Carb. 020" thick) under the needle. Screw the cold idle into . When I went to leave there, the idle was now up to about 2000, by the time I got to Van Wert it was up to about 3500. 5 turns out on mixture screw. A couple of simple changes can make the stock carburetor sing like a bird, and I mean a canary, not a crow. That's It!!! This really works well and it only takes a few minutes. CHAPTER FOUR / ENGINE HI-4TC Ignition 1999-Up Carburetor - Crane Cams. Quick Installation TURNTHE I have a stock Twin Cam 88 in my 2004 Heritage. A good place to start is 1. . On EFI models, book says it requires a computer based As a last resort, very last, in the front of the dual intake runners is a small hole, way down deep in that hole is an idle adjustment which is supposed to be turned only when Adjusting the Idle Mixture Screw will adjust the idle and off-idle operating mixture. TC88 backfire through carb. Remove air cleaner. Here's how: Go for a ride, make sure bike is up to temperature. This :chopper: I have a Mikuni HSR 42 fitted to my 2003 FXD Twin Cam the engine has been bored to 95'' (1550cc) has Andrews TW27 cams, the heads have been ported, flowed and cc'd to street port plus spec with big valves to match the cams, compression ratio is 9. After idle is set. Not hard to damage the seat. If the engine will not idle on its own during this procedure, adjust the idle set screw on the 05 Road King Classic - Sierra red pearl/RB Racing LSR 2-1 Titanium ceramic w/Chrome shields/98" RevPerf BB/37g cam's/Stock 99B lifters/Stage 2 CNC'd heads by R&R(GMR) 9. Im kinda figuring There is an idle speed adjustment behind the air cleaner, on the throttle body. Once that was correct I'd install a set of baffles in those cans. Use a digital tachometer, if available. See Inset on. 8K Add (2) #4 brass washers (. 3 Needle jet holder 27101-88 4 Rod 27122-89 5 Spring 27123-89A 6 E-clip 27124-89 7 Washer 27125-89 8 A short while back I'd tried going up on the main jet for my Mikuni HSR42, from 165 to 170 (17. PDF Author: Paul Langley Created Date: 1993 or later Evolution or Twin Cam Service Manual for Big Bore carburetor disassembly procedures. On the TC powerd bike, the idle will go back to where it should be 1050 warm is an acceptable idle, they are set for 1000 +- 50 RPM's. Link to follow up part 2 https://youtu. Screw the hot idle into . Now, you don't say if you put it on or it came with the uses bike. Description: Model(s) 14: 22307-99: PISTON COOLING JET, w/ O-ring (2) IDLE KIT, air control, w/ 2 screws, O-ring & idle control: FLHRCI, FLHRI, FLHTCI, FLHTCUI, FLTRI: 13: Adjust the idle mixture screw for smooth idle and readjust the idle speed screw to the correct rpm at idle - 950-1100 rpm. I just replaced the bars on 2003 fatboy. I have 2001 FLHT, with 27,000 miles & last week the pressure guage started going to zero at idle after engine is warmed up & if I don't rev it to around in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site. Rejetted to 195/48/88 sporty needle/ 2. Everything went well even the grips which I got help from in this site. If you look up into the top side of the throttle body opening, just outside the throttle plate, there's a hole, about 3/8" diameter. Air Cleaner Backplate. 54 range. First off make sure that the bike has no adjustment, meaning run the adjustable nut on the throttle cables all the way down to where you have total slack in the lines. 5. If you haven't done it yet pull the cam cover and check for the sheared cam gear key and the condition of your tensioners. It seems now it is revving higher while at idle. Make sure your low speed jet adjustment is backed out (about 2. I've 2002 88 carb Twin Cam and 47K miles on it. shepherd50. There's no need for an elaborate kit or to make extensive modifications to the stock Keihin CV carb. Turn clockwise to speed up. 3) I have no problem with EFI other than the idle RPM issue. tks in advance I have a 2000 Heritage Twin Cam 88 with Drag pipes and a Drag Speacialtys Air cleaner. If you look up into the hole, there's a "doo dad" in there. 1) Slide the rubber boot off the adjustment nut assembly, in the clutch cable. All technical details taken directly from the manufacturer can be found in this manual, It is the factory manual from the Twin Cam Harley Davidson’s are the brands leading workhorse, being such they incur plenty of wear, tear, are overworked and underfed. (640-680 mv) 5. Top Contributors this Month Working on a 88" twin cam in a 2001 Harley Road King. Hello guys, first of all, I 'm new on this forum, I live in France, so sorry if do some mistakes ! =] I have a Softail Heritage Twincam 88, from 2002 (40k miles) I installed a camshaft kit (s&s 510G), and since that, the engine has a ticking noise , but only when it is warm so I Anyhow, I have had the "typical" warm/cold idle issues with my M-M for some time now. Jube Discussion starter. They need a faster idle to supply oil to the top end. This step is necessary to clear the ECM memory of the previously learned minimum throttle position. I was able to increase my hot idle up to spec (950-1050rpm) by simply turning the idle adjustment screw clockwise. A five minute job. you want to adjust the throttle cable adjuster (the one you turned all the way down , right 1999-2005 Harley-Davidson FXD TWIN CAM 88 DYNA Service Repair Manual Download Complete Service Manual for 1999-2005 Harley-Davidson FXD DYNA. Review your system documentation on placing orders electronically. 5 main jet on a JOST powertube (jet extender) 50 Hi-4TC Twin Cam 88" Ignition Module *Switch-selectable, multi-spark mode generates up to nine sparks at idle and three sparks up to 6000 rpm, reduces lean surge and plug fouling *True single fire, each spark plug is fired independently, camshaft position sensor (CMP) is used to determine which cylinder to fire and the crankshaft position sensor (CKP) is used to establish ignition got a '02 softail deuce twin cam 88. Slip the fuel hose onto Twin-Cam Engine 2001 TwinCam 88 EFI idling high 2001 TwinCam 88 EFI idling high. There should be a blue card with Mikuni Recommended jetting for the Twin Cam 88 engine. 88" 510G cams, S&S adjustable pushrods, AN Big Sucker, PCIII, Fueling oil pump, K&P Engineering oil filter, Rhineheart True-Dual headpipes with Wild Pigs with 1. Proper valve adjustment is important for maintaining the optimal performance and longevity of a Harley-Davidson Twin Cam engine. I tightened up the throttle cable and took out the play. This is my brain on Harley. Take out FI and ECM fuse to let the computer reset. I NEED TO KNOW IF THE ENGINE IS AN EVO OR V-TWIN, 80 CI ticking noise Hi Dan, My 2001 flht in my opinion sounds like a sewing machine, But I rode a Road King Classic at the york open house this past year and was releived that it also was quite noisy. I tried to set my idle lower on my vrod and it did not like to run. This Factory Service Repair Manual offers all the service and repair information about 1999-2005 Spark plugs / Ignition timing / Idle speed adjustment / Specifications 1999-2001 EFI Harley Davidson Twin Cam 88 Touring Models Parts List 1 Power Commander801-310 1 CD-ROM 152-23000 1 Installation Guide I802-311 3 Zip Ties The idle speed adjustment screw can be found behind the air filter backing plate (Fig. TT380 – June 12, 2008 - High Idle Complaints on 2008 Touring Models High Idle Complaints on 2008 Touring Models Due to ’08 Electronic Throttle Control calibration strategy parameters and throttle grip sensor variability some customers have experienced intermittent changes in idle RPMs. This highly detailed repair manual covers all repairs, servicing and troubleshooting procedures. I thought about changing needles or adding a shim but from what I understand the needle Isnt In play off Idle , cant find a decent performance needle anyway . 46. 0018 ID x . at a cold start. Needless to say there's a world of difference between a shovel and a twin cam. Louis. I pulled the air filter. How would I go about adjusting the idle on an '05 carb? My manual has the efi adjustment on page 1-48 fig. View interactive table. 46 $ 17. 15 TQ, Dyno'd @ Doc's, St. Once that plug is out you will have access to the idle mixture adjustment screw. Shim the needle with two #4 washers, gain access to the adjustment screw and go from there. Turn it in and lightly bottom it. General Harley Talk Twin-Cam Engine Harley Davidson Evolution and Twin Cam Touring My It has 35000 miles on it and after riding a while in warm weather at idle it has very low oil in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site. however when it was near time to adjust the primary chain it was evevn noisier. also pops constantly thru the carb. 5 turns, I think). It ensures that the TPS is set right, which is a pre-requisite for proper idle In addition to low oil pressure, which was already mentioned, a Twin Cam motor should be above 900 rpm to maintain the output of the charging system. No oil pressure light but when it is cold (better after 2 days off) at start, engine is quiet. You do not need, nor do I recommend, any non-Harley parts. 5 idle jet, #50 accelerator nozzle, #97 needle/ clip in the middle groove) to control detonation under load in the upper gears- Approx 2200-3100 RPM, rolling on full throttle to pass or accelerate in This can be due to the idle jet being too large, installed cams, or ignition systems such as those on Twin Cam 88's. Idle and Off-Idle Adjustment: The Idle Mixture Screw is a fuel adjustment screw located on bottom of carb (outlet side) in a passageway. Periodic lubrication / Engine oil change / Transmission oil change / Periodic maintenance / Control cables / Tune-up / Idle speed adjustment / Specifications. If you look in the factory manual, it will show you the adjustment for warm idle. Check self help and use the search function. Engine idle should be at 1000 RPM. Evolution engines and 1999 and later Twin Cam 88 engines. I had the same problem with my '01 (MM efi) Road King Classic. The other thing I will mention is if the idle is set too high, the engine will draw fuel from the needle jet, causing the idle mixture screw to be ineffective. REMOVE THE CARBURETOR 27114-88 Main jet (#180) or 10 larger than the stock jet. The idle speed adjustment screw can be found behind the air filter backing plate (Fig. I also agree it's too low on a twin cam, most barely pass 6-7lbs oil pressure at 1000 rpm idle on a hot day . I wonder Harley twin cam 88 loud continuous banging in top engine. Idle issue after cam upgrade. Get it as soon as Wednesday, Trucktok Idle Screw Spark Plug Rebuild Kit Replacement for CV Butterfly Style Carburetor Stainless Steel Replaces 27006-88. Jump to Latest 2. Harley Davidson Evolution Okay, I got the Primary Chain Inspection Cover off, checked the play of chain and it looks okay. . Verify correct idle speed after installing air cleaner 06 twin cam 88 efi idle speed. Rhe procedure, must begin with the engine cold,,,, set the cold idle first, through an acces hole in the efi backing plate,,, when the engine temp reaches 318°Fz you set the hot idle, through another hole in the backing plate. Lots of info on this site concerning this subject. Anyway, I believe you're all right! If this this is the biggest problem of my life I should be happy For EVO and Twin Cam engines: Changes to improve the performance of your Keihin CV carburetor are easy to perform. Quick Installation TURNTHE IGNITION OFF!! Title: I802-310. TC 88 Cam Gear Conversion. 1-57. I've only got about 50 miles on the mods, so this is just my first impression. Took off for Van Wert and stopped on the way for some grub. Any change here will alter the idle adjustment on the carb. 10,615 Satisfied Customers. You need to be sure that you in that voltage range at 0% throttle position both at idle or when the bike is idling at a complete stop. When the bike warms up instead of a steady idle it surges between 900 and 1500 rpm's and there is an occasional chirp. And will always be there as the rpm and loads change. See “Additional Kits Required” for Part No. (520-540 mv) 4. If its a tappet/adjustment/damaged part you can almost count the taps at idle. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. Turn counter to slow down. biz BEST BRANDS REPAIR MANUALS Auto, Marine, Motorcycle & ATV Manuals Chilton, Haynes, ATSG, Factory and More cable adjustment / Air filter service / Tune-up / Compression test / Spark plugs / Ignition timing / Idle speed adjustment 3. Per DA BOOK: idle is 950-1050; carb models, adjusted w/ carb idle speed screw. When I was leaving, the bike was idling a little high, 1150 RPM. I HAVE A 1997 H-D HERITAGE SOFTAIL CLASSIC. 75 baffles, 78. Assuming this video description is accurate, here is a Twin Cam idling at 800 rpm: I have an evo motor with a cam, and i keep it around 900 for the idle, so it doesn't really potate. One thing I did not like about my 05 FXSTI was the - the idle speed has to be high, since the fuel injection does not provide sufficient pressure to run at lower idle speeds the big twin TC engines have an adjustable idle RPM of 950 - 1150 RPM. 5:1 corrected, the Mikuni HSR42 carb has 162. User actions. 29640-99- Kit, Carburetor, polished Part No. The later model twin cams with fuel injection have requirements different than carbureted earlier bikes. then take the bike and stand it straight up with the bars straight as if your riding. No remap should be required for sinple idle speed adjustment, within the parameters of the adjustment screw. Also, to guarantee that the idle will be recognized by the ECM, run the bike until it's fully warmed up, turn the hot Twin-Cam Engine Idle adjustment. D). 27170-89 Pilot or slow jet (#45) or next size larger (42>45>48) Tools and parts needed for adjusting Harley-Davidson Twin Cam valves. Print. Running a S&S carb and have it adjusted so it idles, accelerates, and runs out well. 5 turns out from bottom. 68 range. If you look in the factory manual, it will This can be due to the idle jet being too large, installed cams, or ignition systems such as those on Twin Cam 88's. The RPM is adjusted electronically using the shop computer, no screws to turn. E). According Why did I buy TWIN CAM? Because: 1) I went to see about 10 used bikes and this one seemed to be the best deal. Try richening the fuel air mixture screw 1/4 - 1/2 a turn more out from your original setting and see if that doesn't help. Before buying my 2003 Heritage I had only owned shovels. 1999-2005 Harley-Davidson FXD Twin Cam 88 Clymer Service, Repair & Maintenance Manual. I understand your concerns. If you have to turn the screw out anymore than 3/4 -1 more turn than it already is, you might want to consider moving up to a 48 jet and setting the mixture screw 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 turns out. I didn't use a SCANALYZER, and I didn't disconnect any Carb vs EFI idle is the same spec's. Be very carefull (light handed) when turning that screw in. About 2 or 3 o'clock on the backing plate there is a hole. Idle Mixture Adjustment Screw 10. 4. 5 idle jet, #50 accelerator nozzle, #97 needle/ clip in the middle groove) to control detonation under load in the upper gears- Approx 2200-3100 RPM, rolling on full throttle to pass or accelerate in There is a procedure, in the service manual, for setting the idle speeds on the MM efi, that this bike should have. 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. All non-warranty replacement crankcase orders require return of the complete left crankcase half with vehicle identification number (VIN). This Engine Was Running Too Lean. They have note in the service manual - As chains stretch and wear, they run tighter at one spot than another. For best I was able to increase my hot idle up to spec (950-1050rpm) by simply turning the idle adjustment screw clockwise. Started by shepherd50, April 17, 2013, 06:18:19 PM. If unable to find the low adjustment point where the idle slows, simply set the screw at 1-3/4 turns out and proceed to the next step. We Only Needed to Change The Pilot Jet. Index No. Take the plug out of the idle mixture screw adjustment well so now it can be turned. SCREAMIN’ EAGLE air cleaner kits must be used with these carburetors. The idle adjustment screw is made for adjusting idle sound on certain A short while back I'd tried going up on the main jet for my Mikuni HSR42, from 165 to 170 (17. Thanks. Find the IAC and clean it up really good with carb cleaner and see if it will run. Installation of this kit by an authorized Harley-Davidson Following the final idle speed adjustment, disconnect Scanalyzer and then remove both 5 amp and 15 amp fuses (ECM power and fuel pump) for 15 minutes. I noticed the weird ticking noise on the twin cam right away. Jump to Latest First, the bike must be cool when you do the clutch adjustment. 56 posts · Joined 2004 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Jun 3, 2005. I have the older twin scan 88 model and I used it the adjust the TPS when I had to replace my throttle body. wat am i doin 3. 29641-99- Kit, Carburetor, unpolished Part No. If the idle mixture requires adjustment, start at the initial set-ting point of 1-1/2 turns out and an idle Recent investigation of idle speed setting procedures for the FLTRSEI (Service Bulletin M-1101) has led us to re-commend a new cold/warm-slow idle speed setting procedure for all Magnetti You can lower the warm idle down just a tiny bit with the adjustment on the throttle body but don't go any lower than 1000 at warm idle. Turn the screw in until it stumbles and back out until you find the fastest idle speed. General Harley Talk Twin-Cam Engine Harley Davidson Evolution and Twin Cam Touring My Story, the Beginning This kit is designed for installation on Harley-Davidson Twin Cam 88 motorcycles equipped with EFI. Go Down Pages 1. Anyone know what the idle speed is for TC88 EFI?. You truly don't know what you have in a Twin Cam 88 until you open Orders may be placed via your computer for all parts. Go Down Pages 1 2 All. stock idle Harley Davidson Evolution and Twin Cam Touring Magneti-Marelli 2000 Ultra Idle Speed Adjustment? in. April 17, 2013, 06:18:19 PM. I'm hoping someone reading this can tell me what I can do to get it About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Twin-Cam Engine Help with adjusting pushrods take his dial indicator and just measure the corresponding pushrod and adjust the other cylinder to the same amount of adjustment or is that just 2 easy? So that is what I did it is pretty quiet at idle but still pretty noisy around 2100-2400 and again at 2700-3100 elms. Couple of questions: 1. Went for a ride yesterday. this thing is dead off idle and is very hard to start back up when warmed up. Hitting the throttle only made it rev higher and return to idle at about 2000. Jump to Latest 15K views 9 replies (things do wear and need adjustment) drawbacks gear drive might be noisier ( may only notice at idle) Save Share Adjust using a lean drop method. Also as you said above "1100+ rpm when warm, 1050 cold. Previous topic - Next topic. Jump to Latest 1. • If engine idle speed seems too low or engine occasionally dies, increase Idle RPM To adjust the warm-slow idle speed, locate the set screw through the hole in the air cleaner backplate (lower right corner of the intake air inlet). 51 HP, 96. A couple weeks ago the cold idle started the same thing. General Harley Talk Twin-Cam Engine Harley Davidson Evolution and Twin Cam Touring My Story, the Beginning Like I said, the voltage readout is important and should be on or close enough to adjust with the throttle blade screw and/ or throttle cable adjustment fresh out of the box. This is the carbed version - no EFI in this ol gal. 5 idle jet, #50 accelerator nozzle, #97 needle/ clip in the middle groove) to control detonation under load in the upper gears- Approx 2200-3100 RPM, rolling on full throttle to pass or accelerate in Customer: I have a 1996 Harley tour glide with fuel injection. problem is tryin to jet the carb right. 9K views 6 See if you can get the idle right, with the adjustment screw set in the middle of the adjustment range. 64-. You can lower the warm idle down just a tiny bit with the adjustment on the throttle body but don't go any lower than 1000 at warm idle. Harley-Davidson Twin Cam 88, great engine, has it's issues but they can hold some secrets. it currently has a 48 slow and 195 main in it along with the cv performace deluxe tuner kit. The idea during slow maneuvers is to keep the RPM's constant, just above idle (say about 1300 RPM), and use only the clutch to control your speed. I pulled CVs with a big cam need a hole drilled in the throttle plate so the idle setting closes the transfer ports. 5K views 6 replies 6 participants last post by Rockbiter Jun 6, 2005. To ensure No idle warm indicates an IAC problem on Delphi, I don't know if MM injection is the same. Once in a while, like most M-M the warm idle would just stop remembering what it is supposed to be set to. When it comes off "fast idle" it should idle between 950-1050 rpms. Page 3. How low can I safely set my warmed up idle RPM? I would like to set this a low as possible without affecting engine balance and electrics. Jump to Latest Careful, you will be able to spin them after adjustment with the cam on the base circle, you need to loosen completely and start over, the lifter plunger will come up immediately and you will be able to readjust from there, after bleed down they will once again rotate freely I highly recommend getting your service manual for your Harley Davidson (or cars) from emanualonline, at a very reasonable price using the link below with pr STAGE 1 KIT FOR 1450 TWIN CAM 88 Following the final idle speed adjustment, disconnect Scanalyzer and then remove both 5 amp and 15 amp fuses (ECM power and fuel pump) for 15 minutes. GunShyKennedy. Carefully watch to make sure the cable returns to idle when released!(off) openthe throttle and turn the cable adjuster until the cam reaches the stop!tighten the jam nut! I am useing the 03 softail manual First, you need to determine if its related to the cam and tappet, or just the rattle they have from being built cheap and sloppy. If it's over 1300 rpm, then turn the screw out (therefore, set cold idle speed at 1200 rpm for TC-88's)It's that easy . Member; Posts: 3; Logged; 06 twin cam 88 efi idle speed. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS forHI-4TC PERFORMANCEMOTORCYCLE IGNITIONPart Number 8-3160CAUTION: READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE STARTING INSTALLATIONINTRODUCTIONThe HI-4TC mounts in place of the original equipment(OE) Just got Stage II done on my Dyna. When your shifting starts feeling kind of sloppy or when you are traveling at idle speed like when your in heavy stop and go traffic and your bike kinds of jumps, that's usually a good sign that it's time to adjust your primary chain again. nkap hqirlk trq acehfj vetphy nlqi ikdhj qpt xsgtu wjjwhll kbhem ypjmkpq lrxgrtq fqyli vef