
Ruckus roaming issues. 4 Ghz as it was 4% better than the 5Ghz.

Ruckus roaming issues Turni Hi Primoz Thanks for feedback once again. Hi, I have had 2 Ring cameras connected for well over a year to our ruckus Wi-fi fronted by 4 unleashed R310s. You might try turning off the lower supported data rates on the SSID. Moving between APs seems to result in loss of service once you have roamed to the new AP. Read about This website uses cookies. 4 ghz SSID in most cases. If two access points are connected on same switch there will be no issue of mac moving on core switch. We obviously wanted 5Ghz as at that quality and distance it would be way better . They have 30+ R600 APs connected to a ZD3025, with these APs located all around the school in the various blocks. 11k did the trick for almost all of my devices, but a couple of apple iPads were still sticky and would not switch on their own until I enabled 802. Devices roam between APs constantly, every few seconds, for no apparent reason. This will force the client to roam rather than "hanging" on to the original AP and rate scaling itself down to slower speeds. As this is a hotel and recently clients complain, most of the guests complain that video calls are kept disconnect. Sorry can't help except to see that we see roaming issues on our site and cant figure out why. Thanks, Babar Customer Environment SZ, vSZ-E, vSZ-H, ZD, Unleashed APs Symptoms. "Netsh trace" and Ruckus wireless support answer is attached. I suggested that the get a second AP so that at the corner of the two halls you can maintain your WiFi conne I'm using WPA-PSK in warehouse1 whit TKIP because handhelp OS don't have WPA2-PSK support, but in other warehouse2 we have fifteen AP Motorola and roaming is good. By tracking the IP of those devices and Android client is deauthenticated when roaming within same subnet. 11r and k on a new test SSID and the problem still persisted. By FishCustard in forum Wireless Networks Replies: 4 Last Post: 10th October 2013, 11:39 AM. RUCKUS Networks 350 West Java Dr. Set the background scanning for 2. No issues at all. 2. If the AP output power is much higher as a power of a Wi-Fi mobile device you can get a What causes a client to disconnect and what can be done to address it? 1. Also are the devices roaming on the 2. This is due to t Yes, it's the clients choice to which AP (BSSID) it will connect, however Ruckus has a SmartRoam feature you can set to help with roaming. Hi Ruckus users, I have a problem that's been plaguing our wifi for months. Turn off the Ruckus 802. - Firstly check your power settings. I have 3 710's, almost certainly could have gotten away with 2, but roaming works great. 2. Ruckus WLAN configuration is responsible for CK65 not roaming. ; Signal Strength Fluctuations: Devices with roaming issues show erratic signal . " This issue is not seen in the smartzone 6. In the building there is a combination of H500, R500 and R550 AP's. I noticed this issue only seemed to be a problem for WLANs with the "Force DHCP" option enabled. ) to take over. Connected to Smartzone controller with 2 AP groups. Turning off roaming between APs and removing "dashes" in SSID temporarily solves the issues. 7. e. How about including Win 7, Win 8. how fast connected device mac I've noticed strange thing regarding this roaming issue. 11R is enabled which is what was causing the APs to reject CK65 associations. Thank in advance, Br, Hi Keith I think that is one way of doing it for sure and makes sense. We are having issues with clients not changing connections to more stonger signal APs i. So one strategy is to actually reduce BSS min rate, and so make them "think" the signal is gone and force the roam. Enabling 802. holding on to weaker, more distant APs. When on site I noticed that there was no WiFi down one of the halls. Some devices are "sticky" and tend not to roam while they still have signal from the original AP. I hope this article is useful if you're experiencing similar issues. After applying these steps in iPhones running iOS 16. Thanks. Maybe Ruckus support can make a knowledge entry with the patch for 6. The area is Just some thoughts below. I tried i) to reduce transmit power for 5. I know design SSID deployments with a separate 5 ghz SSId and a 2. First I lack the technical expertise to simply fix it. if two APs are connected to different switch connecting back to core switch then you have to consider your ARP table on core switch. Hi, I’ve deployed Ruckus Virtual SmartZone, along with Data Plane at a Colo. 4 of these APs a Hi everyone, I have multiple SSID and for no obvious reasons, clients are having problems with the roaming. IMHO > buy all major devices and clients, test against RuckusWireless systems and officially provide cookbooks that RUCKUS Indoor, Outdoor, Bridge and Specialty Wi-Fi Access Points (APs) Mesh Roaming Issues. Coverage is not an issue and kudos to Ruckus on that end. Issue ER-4992 was fixed in firmware 9. If it's not set to auto-connect to the wifi network, it will just stay dropped off of it, so I'm not sure if that's still a symptom of roaming Alternatively we can enable roaming-acct-interim-update on the WLAN from ZD's CLI. 13. Roaming Aggressiveness: Adjust the roaming aggressiveness setting on client devices (if available) to balance between staying connected to a current AP and actively seeking better APs based on signal strength. Set it to 12 Mbps and see if that improves roaming and stability. I'll check the minimum rate setting and also what FW version as soon as I have access. Before I made that change, there were times I would be line of sight from a Ruckus AP and it would still only be a 20-50 mbps 2. Did the devices listed in the issue roam with FT-SAE in smartzone 6. APs that belong to the same zone? Assuming 802. ; Frequent Roaming: Some devices roam too often, disrupting connectivity and network performance. We tried adjusting the 5Ghz to a different SSID originally but that didn't seem to resolve the issue. We got a small'ish mesh running on 7762-s outdoor APs and a 1100 ZD. This website uses cookies. Sorry - by client I mean device type. I don't remember any specific bug where FT roaming has issues with R610 but could you confirm the AP firmware version and also Do you mean that clients get disconnected and reconnect after 40s or are you just expecting them to change an AP at a particular point? The ANSWER was revised 1/11/2014. Client Configuration Checks. I have asked for remote access to But to add to Keith's comments, a ZD will facilitate "seamless" roaming between APs, due to the ability to cache client credentials, whereas roaming between standalone APs involves entire re-authentication with each roam. The other 4 APs all have 1 ho 802. This seems to be mostly happening to Apple devices, but I cannot rule out others. 802. The roaming between APs takes about 30-40 seconds on average. Second, the advice I've received in the past is "leave everything auto" which didn't fix the roaming issues. The result is exactly the same, device simply rejoins after roaming. 11v, which allows the AP to actually push a client off and not just leave the roaming to the client We have one client where ruckus zone director (ZD3050) is installed with firmware version - 9. VoIP devices are connected to a dedicated SSID. New Contributor II ruckus# show wlan name radius_test WLAN Service: ID: 2: NAME Algorithm = aes-gcmp256 FT Roaming = Disabled 802. 3. All 12 AP’s Hi Ruckus users, I have a problem that's been plaguing our wifi for months. Roaming is always not related with wifi some time it is related with (LAN, how it is configured) core switch and access switch i. I'll turn off the 5Ghz entirely and see if that This website uses cookies. If not does anyone have any ideas about a better way to setup the network. 11r and 802. Some mobile phones are really quiet. 7. When reach another AP, the client cannot get an IP address from DHCP. 4 ghz connection instead of a much faster 5 ghz connection. 0 build 44 and ap's are (zf7025 ,zf7341 ,zf7321). It resolves an issue that could cause occasional packet drops during roaming for two seconds or more (ID ER-1091). Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA T: +1 (855) 478-2587 Blog; Twitter; YouTube; LinkedIn Check the Idle Timeout in the WLAN settings. This can't be normal, Ruckus - AP Roaming Issues. Ruckus roaming weirdness. Increase it to 600 or even 900 seconds and you should be good Your most likely having roaming issues. I never understood why Ruckus defaults this to 120 seconds when most smartphones sit quietly for 3-4 minutes when they’re not moving. 6, finally solved the disconnection issues for the MacBooks as well. However, the computers kept disconnecting. By Duke5A in forum Wireless Networks Replies: 5 Last Post: 14th January 2011, 05:52 PM. Over the last 8 days, we have started to experience telnet sessions dropping and resetting our people in a specific application when they hand off from one AP to another (which causes the app to hang and Administrator intervention is needed to resolve every time). 4 GHz spectrum of frequency or on the 5 GHz, Also I would recommend you contact Ruckus Support for further investigation of this issue as the support info file of an AP gives valuable information regarding client statistics. Unsuccessful roaming 8. Will the zone director help with roaming issues? I have a house with multiple access points and the iPads are not roaming well. After ~5 seconds all replies comes back at the same time. 0GHz SSID. ; Signal Strength Fluctuations: Devices with roaming issues show erratic signal On a similar configuration I tried to: - update the FW to 9. 15. 2 if you experiance this issue with blank pages. From CPE to basestation we are usi Maybe Ruckus support can make a knowledge entry with the patch for 6. . Hi Keith/Primoz, But I reckon that it might be the devices themselves. Can you maybe disable encryption and check if the problem persists? Could the VPN problem be somehow related to the WLAN problem you are having? Another thing. 0. The below process is done for roaming on WiFi and all the packets are initiated by WiFi client and its purely WiFi client decision when to roam and where to roam as per RF design. 0 release note. What type of application are you concerned about - VOIP? In that case tunneling to the controller might be a good idea. Roaming issue described above occurred on 5. 1x z9fr. 1. It can take from 10 seconds up to 3 We got a small'ish mesh running on 7762-s outdoor APs and a 1100 ZD. Sometimes the client device hears the AP, but th We have already opened a support ticket to our wireless AP vendor and they have identified that during the issue client device (HP 840 G8) stops sending a traffic for a short time and then initiates a new connection instead of roaming. High beacon interval or high data rate of management traffic 12. 12. By Hi Keith Herewith my answers, sorry for the late reply but was on the road. We have H510’s at the property - 12 to be exact, pointing back at the colo. Enable O The problem with simply fixing roaming is two fold. Also, I did enable 802. Good day everyone, This is my first time using the Ruckus products and a client I just acquired had a R650 Unleashed AP. 6 and 11 channels on 2. 11k Neighbor report = Enabled Web Authentication = Disabled Authentication Server = authentik_test Called-Station-Id type = wlan-bssid I run a small IT company and my local High School has asked me to investigate some wifi issues they have been having for the last 18 months in only one area of the site. "roaming-acct-interim-update" uses interim update instead of Accounting Start/Stop on every inter-ap roam. Based on what I have read it look Yes, that's one of the primary reasons to have a controller. We checked the internet line, which Anyone aware of client disconnection in 802. We are confident it is a sticky roaming issue or quark to the CV41 roaming. Hello, I've had a problem with Roaming between APs (with 802. What could be t Hi Neeraj, There has been no known issue with roaming on Ruckus so far, yes regarding the FT roam failure we can debug. But in the warehouse2 we use MAC-ACL as security and we are not using WPA-PSK like warehouse1 that its the side with ruckus equipments and problem persist. 304 on the R750 with apple devices. 220 release. We seem to have an issue in one spot of our warehouse where the as the clients move around will experience degraded wireless signal and eventually disconnect. We recently had a new wireless system Ruckus install by our I. 14th February 2014, 09:30 AM #2. Bump to this issue. Howto: Mandatory Roaming Profile with AutoCorrect. Since iOS devices do not have any threshold adjustments like a windows PC would. as a smartphone and tablet's wireless card is obviously not as "smart" and "strong" to pickup an AP and communicate back sufficiently all the time? I have been talking to one of our Ruckus reps about the new 9. Hi Babar - thanks for your reply. Controllers of some kind are necessary for "real" roaming. There are two root APs and then another 4 APs. One issue I know both was roaming. 11r/k is primarily for seamless roaming and if you WiFi network is working ok including roaming for all type of devices including ioS then its ok to have it off however if i would be in your place then i would enable it as all devices do NOT support and those do support will have better and quick roaming experience. 11R and 802. Do you know if the device is failing at the WLAN connection faze or like not getting an IP or something else? D We have a 5 week old Ruckus install. Sticky Clients: Some devices stick to one AP despite stronger signals from others, leading to poor performance. The only other improvement (sans controller) I can think of is to use a single DHCP server - then at least in that cas Hello, We have 21 APs in building only one floor, Devices are R510 unleashed and software version is 200. 11x. T specialist using Zone Director - Radius authentication for roaming around the premised of all the 15x R610 AP. Too much interference from non-WiFi sources such as microwaves, cordless phones, analog The issue I’m facing is, when roaming to different AP’s in the building, it fully d/c me from the device when it should hop to the next one seamlessly like it did with Unleashed. Software related issues on the APs or Controller 13. HI All, we have 3 ruckus ZD1106 WLC , There are 3 wireless controller, when user connected on one SSID and move from one building to another then automatically disconnected from same SSID After disconnecting from SSID , they have to delete wireless profile from system and after configuring on syste Hello everyone! AP model: Ruckus 550 I work on IT for a logistics company. There are plenty of AP's in the area but it seems as though the clients arent roaming to other AP's and eventually disconnect. Wireless and DHCP issues. Has anyone even remotely had the same issues that we are experiencing? My next step is to disable Aggressive Roaming on one CV41 and allow the Standard Roaming algorithms (Roam trigger settings, etc. What's different from the old and new campus is also the deployment The roaming issue can be because of poor RF design. Ruckus roaming issues. We identified that this affects Mac clients and not Windows clients. 3 (MR3 Refresh4) but is back in latest We're running 10. Fast Transition roaming (802. After roaming from one AP to another it is seen that ICMP requests are being sent as expected. Frequent Roaming: Some devices roam too often, disrupting The objective of this article is to provide a comprehensive understanding of client roaming issues in wireless networks, along with practical guidance and strategies for There could be several reasons for frequent disconnection and unstable connection, and roaming issues. As we are observing from the last 6 months, that users are suffering while moving from one place to another with the buidings. By tracking the IP of those devices and We are facing issues with dropping calls on Ascom i63 phones connected to Ruckus Wi-Fi. In case the roaming issue is with a specific device, check the below item: 1. Then, an upgrade on the computers to the MacOS Ventura version 13. The blackwire best practices guide (though they recommend an older firmware, the current latest one seems to be solid for me) and the Derek Seamans Ruckus Unleashed best practices guide are excellent. The below process is done for roaming on WiFi and all the packets are initiated by WiFi client and its purely WiFi client de Hi Stewart. This can't be normal, and I can't seem to correct it. 1 the issue was solved immediately. There are also commands available for AP regarding roaming on ruckus controller. Hello everyone! AP model: Ruckus 550 I work on IT for a logistics company. Helped by Ring support they asked me to reboot everything, zero the ring Camera settings and add it agai Agree with this. I believe it is impossible that all frames are being sent over the air at the same microsecond. Toggle wifi off and om will fix it. Some common reasons are: Poor AP deployment without a The issue tends to be reported mostly from the new campus, and I have seen the events logs on a user's device roaming. No issues with steering/roaming/wifi calling all works pretty nicely. Also, I'm not sure if you all know that SpectraLink has confirmed the roaming issue with their Hi Christo - can you give us more details? What kind of client? How close are the AP's to one another? What version of ZoneFlex (er. 1 and MAC OSX to enhance the answer. We being faces complaints from multiple end customers on frequent user disconnects which is resulting into huge business losses and client dissatisfaction. We have 200+ APs in our environment, and it is not easy to switch from one to another solution. Hi , We do not have any known issue with S10+ not being able to receive DHCP IP on 5Ghz radio. 0 build 183. I wouldn't quite characterize it like that. 4 G radio. This one is not working properly. It looks in my case an issue regarding roaming the client from one AP to another. Incompatible or non-standard wireless radios on the clients 10. 304, One SSID, Time to time clients are complaining when they move in another place in the building they have connectivity issue about 5 or 10 minutes maybe even more When I checked one I had similar issues with UniFi as well. If this is the case you have to configure Force DHCP on the SSID's on all controllers. 0? Will the zone director help with roaming issues? I have a house with multiple access points and the iPads are not roaming well. If there are areas of your building with a no WiFi signal between AP’s (no signal Desk based Surface Docks with LAN connectivity, Ruckus wireless for roaming throughout the building - 6 levels with multiple R710 access points per floor. 0GHz radios, and ii) move the problematic device to 2. Incompatible encryption or authentication methods 11. 6. 11r Solved: How does client roaming work between APs that belong to different zones in SmartZone vs. Use only 1. 4GHz band and also play with transmit power there. By FN-GM in forum Wireless Networks Replies: 3 Last Post: 14th February 2014, 12:58 PM. Thank you for your advice I've applied these settings updates Change BSS-Minrate setting under WLAN configuration. We encountered a big issue with AP roaming. Thanks Keith. 11K enabled) on the same WLAN. Hi, We seem to have a few devices having issues roaming between access points. Latency is through the roof. How do you troubleshoot the roaming, sticky client, and client disconnect while roaming? Sticky Clients: Some devices stick to one AP despite stronger signals from others, leading to poor performance. I was wondering if the zone director has the ability to assist with hand off issues and help the client device migrate to a stronger access point. Other mentioned devices roams perfectly on all bands and transmit powers. We deployed Ruckus vSZ in our environment last year, and its firmware is 6. 11ac access point specially in case of Andriod devices and RA Link Wireless network cards. My understanding is all of the APs in this block are connected to the LAN via the same switch via individual POE injectors, but i can check this and confirm if needs be together with switch specifications. I thought it would be ready to go on this but it's next patch I understand ? Second big issue was we found some clients (even if only 5 metres away with clean line of sight) would connect at 2. However, by reducing power, we might lose a bit of coverage. Do Macs handle roaming poorly with Ruckus? Can symbols in SSIDs affect Macs? Hello, we are running Smartzone 5. There has been no known issue with roaming on Ruckus so far, yes regarding the FT roam failure we can debug. I suggested that the get a second AP so that at the corner of the two halls you can maintain your WiFi connection. This seems to be mostly Check your channel width and channelization. 8. All AP’s are in the same zone under the same configs under one SSID. Last week one of them lost its connection and wouldn’t reconnect. And I know roaming is a client issue, however none of the windows laptops I have, nor do my android/apple phones roam well. Any advice/help please? Hi Stewart, can you please please explain about your network how APs are connected. From the client troubleshooting screenshot provided, I can see that the DHCP ACK from the server is being forwarded to the client through AP. 4G and 5G radio to 600. Moving from one AP to the next (making a STA association) is just one necessary component to roaming. I have seen similar issue's using unleashed version 200. or suggest upgrade to 6. Regards I am assuming that the issue is that the controllers are not linked to each other: Exmaple: 10 AP's on controller 1 for building 1 and then say 20 AP's on the other controller in buillding 2. I am still struggling to remotely login to the site, as the customer is having VPN issues. I understand the 'Smart-Roam' feature can help resolve this ? How do I go about activating and tweaking SmartRoam within Sm On a similar configuration I tried to: - update the FW to 9. It sometimes cannot connect or it stays connected but there is no IP traffic and you cannot browse a website for example. Ruckus AP and DHCP Relay issue; Posting Customer Environment SZ, vSZ-E, vSZ-H, ZD, Unleashed APs Symptoms. Client: Mine APs distance between one another: 40 to 65meters Mesh: Yes we are really running a mesh. Wrong IP assignment or wrong VLAN assignment 9. 4 Ghz as it was 4% better than the 5Ghz. Operator using handhelds, laptops and mobile phones are having connectivity issues cause of the roaming. 2 - set manualy the channels - use the tunnel mode - and certainly the most usefull action was to work on the client itself by disabling the power saving (otherwise the telnet session will always close) and the unused band on a dual band client (seems to accelerate the scan during roaming). Make sure Unleashed is up to date on all APs. Make sure 802. Also allow me to explain the roaming process breakdown. Weird roaming issue . 11k are on. jtotheb. We being As a Ruckus Technical Support Engineer, I would like to share my experience regarding Smart-roam sticky client control and the commands used to help configure the same from the SZ CLI or the AP CLI: Issue Details: In a multi-AP environment, a client will always be looking for the best AP to connect to. Would you be able to verify if a valid IP is seen in the DHCP A Almost all Ruckus APs supports FT roaming, so it is not related to AP feature or supportability. Ruckus - AP Roaming Issues. But people (and applications) also expect sub-second reconnection, continuous voice/video, etc. Smart/OS) is running? Are you really running a mesh? (where some of your AP's are only wirelessly connected to the ZD?) How many "hops" are in the mesh? The most common reasons for WiFi roaming problems are: Signal Coverage Bad signal coverage is one of the most common reasons for WiFi roaming issues. I understand that in order to do any threshold manipulation based on connectivity you would need a controller and that access points generally do not have this capability. 2-441. There are some settings that can he changed to help with this. Can someone please jog my memory and remind me what they are please? Thanks. Has anyone experienced this? "Samsung S10, Samsung Note 10, Google Pixel 4XL, Samsung S20 running Android 10, 11 with WPA3 11r PSK uses open system authentication instead of FT over SAE while roaming. Thank in advance, Br, There has been no known issue with roaming on Ruckus so far, yes regarding the FT roam failure we can debug. Note:This option is disabled This is my first time using the Ruckus products and a client I just acquired had a R650 Unleashed AP. 1. This behaviour is reproducible when Force DHCP enabled. Join Date Issues with configuration authentication 802. We've done a few installations in the past. 515. 3. All firmware is current. Surface Pro 3 interactions with Ruckus are frequently producing thousands of events across multiple APs - clientJoin, clientAuthorization, clientDisconnect, clientRoaming and the like. 11 R feature for the access point to help improve roaming of the CK65. There are also some other fixes and enhancements too. Authentication on all wireless is WPA2-AES. nqz aeex jibeqx yzvh wilvp haf nruyx mokfsk jfbkb omhdx biroj wjspm rllmqs gvnmzagq jmzo