Low hcg levels ivf forum. Community Guidelines Community Glossary.

Low hcg levels ivf forum Our Infertility Support forum is a space to connect with others in the same position, discuss causes, treatment and IVF, and share infertility stories of hope and success. Several factors affect hCG levels. 3 IVF or FET Pregnancy. Also not to ignore the fact that HCG levels should double every 48- 72 hours in a healthy pregnancy. Reply reply I was supposed to be tested at 14dp5dt but I was tested at 13dp5dt my HCG level 422 then on I did a FET on September 18th with a PGT tested healthy Euploid embryo. We had three day 5 blasts at the end of my first cycle. Oct 6 - However when I went back it was 157 the following week I was in the thousands. 23K Discussions. She said to retest in 2 days and the level will drop. What Are Normal hCG . We can’t predict the future but I’ve been told time and time again through this IVF process by the doctors that HCG levels doubling every two days is more important than a high starting I'm currently in my third trimester with a pregnancy that started with very low and slow betas, so I wanted to share my experience. I was 54,790 at around 6 weeks. Integrin β3 subunit and leukemia-inhibitory factor (LIF) are two cellular factors that appear in the endometrium coinciding with the implantation window, and they are largely accepted as promising biomarkers of That sounds like a good double. Also my progesterone was quite low (76 15 dpo, 119 16dpo) and I'm now on 1 and a half vials of gestone injections and 3 cyclogests a day. A low initial HCG level doesn’t mean it’s all over. I had another test done today and my levels went up again but still so lowstill not sure what to make of it but I’m so afraid of another ectopic I have a US and blood on Monday now. HCG at 13 days post transfer was 48. My Rae said he has had numerous babies HCG levels started picking up since then but still not considered optimal. March 11, 2025 | by Went in for blood work 14 days later, so 14dpo. This time I'm going through a similar thing to yourself. Im devastated. My doctor said he’s seen plenty of success with early low hcg levels, and booked me in for a scan at 7 weeks + 4 days. Also if anyone has had a Chemical pregnancy how high did your HCG levels get before dropping? I am 12dp5dt and HCG is 124. Initial number means nothing, app that matters is that the number doubles within 48-72hours. I had a relatively low first beta at 9dp5dt of 48. Jump to Your Week of Pregnancy. &nbsp; My HCG hormone &nbsp;I am wanting to know others levels around 12 days post transfer . . They were all 2 days apart. 1. This is the first pregnancy that so far has shown any sign of being viable, my other ones were chemicals with very low hcg. A supportive and positive community to discuss your IVF journey. In one study , women with an AMH level of 0. I’m 4w0d - 13dpo and got my betas this morning. Please be sensitive and kind. It was a missed miscarriage. Can’t seem to stop googling and searching every day!Has anyone had a successful pregnancy with low hcg? IVF or FET Pregnancy. Hi all! I’m 19dp5dt. The purpose of these drugs is to aid in early pregnancy and embryo implantation. Has anyone had low HCG levels but still had a healthy and live pregnancy, may you please share if that was your story? My HCG levels are: 15 dpo (10dp5dt)-69 16 dpo (11dp5dt)-96 I have to say I've been feeling very stressed about how low they seem relatively to others. I spent the following weekend digging into any data I could find about beta levels after IVF and I did find this study that looked at 12dpt levels and found a cut off value of 86. 240 Discussions. Pregnancy - First Trimester . They test early, so a Has anyone else experience low but doubling hcg levels for 4-5 weeks. &nbsp; Nausea is on the light side. I was 3 weeks 5 days! I just went through all of the panic/anxiety regarding my levels. 2 From 1200 - 6000, the hCG usually takes 72-96 hours to double. 58. Two days later my HCG level was only 600 but sure enough I am now 23 weeks pregnant and all scans / NIPT / other genetic testing have come back as low risk. So I’m still taking my transfer meds, and we’re re-testing on Sunday. My 3 beta hcg levels (48 hours apart) have been 48, 70, and 92. IVF or FET Pregnancy. the only other reason for the low hcg is that the sperm reached the egg late. I’m now almost 33 weeks pregnant with That little 45 HCG twinkle. It can rise very quickly once you have some HCG level, you likely implanted a few days later than me. She said my HCG levels are very I’m 4 weeks +5 pregnant after IVF. hCG that does not double every two to three days does not necessarily indicate a problem with the pregnancy. Im not allowing myself to get excited at all. 2M posts 107K members Since 2002 A forum community dedicated to infertility and fertility support. Low hCG levels may Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy. I've had 3 unsuccessful pregnancies, all Beta hCG levels are increasing as you have witnessed yourself after the 4th of June. 1 at 4 weeks (we did IUI, so we knew it was 4 weeks). As long as your numbers are at least doubling, it's good. ultrasound at 5w5d (21dp5dt) showed gestational sac and yolk sac in uterus, with an hCG level of 3500 ****UPDATE: graduated from fertility clinic at 9w4d, saw OB at 10w2d, all looking good :) *****LAST UPDATE!! Figured I’d come back to this My hcg was118 at 11 days past frozen transferThen 260 at 13 days past frozen transferI’m so worried that this hcg is very low compared to everyone else’s. w. Medical conditions: Ectopic pregnancy or gestational trophoblastic Hi everyone! I just received my 2nd hcg beta results and was wondering if anyone has any success stories to share of slow rising hcg. My HCG came back super low- level 6. Can’t seem to stop googling and searching every day!Has anyone had a successful pregnancy Would love to hear success stories with low HCG at first draw. 996 on 12dp5dt and 2996 on 14dp5dt. They went from 227 on 12/12, to 1627 on 12/16, to 5050 on 12/20, to 7833 on 12/23, to 8427 on 12/26, then 12/27 had ultrasound at 6w2d no heart beat. My pregnancy was very stressful. So, the rate of increase in hCG levels normally varies as a pregnancy progresses. When they called, the nurse said that this level was very low and that they were very concerned that this was a chemical pregnancy or early miscarriage. HCG at 11 days post transfer was 25. 36) and eventually it was determined I had IUGR. I have been testing on easy at home and first response and getting a veryyyy faint and almost barely there line so i My Hcg levels are slow, my first was on 3/3- 56 then 3/7 - 234 then 3/9 - 479, 3/13 - 1067 and finally 3/17-1278 should I still have hope??? I'm 6 weeks and 2 days this is my first ivf (fresh cycle) after a miscarriage a year ago and the only symptoms I have is mild cramping, low back pain and sometimes tender breast. However, my HCG levels are low. Learn more about our guidelines Hi I had Ivf (2eggs transfer). It was 11. You've seen a fertility specialist, started IVF, and gotten through the first embryo transfer. We are at 11 weeks now and have gotten to see and hear baby’s heartbeat ️ Had my first FET from our first IVF cycle with our one and only embryo on Sept 25. We did 5 IUIs before moving on to IVF. I'm pretty down about it because I've had a chemical and have miscarried in the past and the HCG levels were low with the chemical and started low with the miscarriage that was a blighted ovum. Community Guidelines Community Glossary. I had a positive, albeit low, beta at 9dp5dt. So I Although prior work has attempted to predict pregnancy outcomes by assaying serum β-hCG levels after blastocyst transfer, no study has focused on pregnancy outcomes in those with initially low serum β-hCG levels. I think having levels done this early just causes Except my HCG levels stopped doubling. Medications: Hormonal treatments administered during the IVF cycle may have an effect on beta hCG levels. These include: Timing of test: Levels rise steadily, so testing too early may miss a pregnancy. 9 8dp5dt. The nurse told me this is way too low and it is likely a chemical pregnancy. HCG 37. I have no Happened to me last year however my Hcg levels were through the roof. We unexpectantly became pregnant after only being able to conceive our 10 month old through fertility. I had an US @ 23dpt and 29dpt and nothing visible in uterus & tubes. An expert As your pregnancy progresses, levels rise and that doubling time increases. By 23dpt they were at 690 which increased to 1000 by 26dpt and then 1700 three days later. One single hCG value does not tell you much about the viability of the pregnancy and there is a wide range of normal hCG levels in pregnancy. The rise is very slow and I’ve been asked to do another test on Wednesday. It A low hCG level could mean What hCG level should you hope to see in your pregnancy test? A study of 774 embryo transfers suggests 76 mIU/mL or more. I called my gynecologist back home he said to me it hcg is a poor indicator. Baby#3 hcg 29 @9dp5dt. She said to me it's ok but no twins . Result came back at 24. I’m The HCG level came back at 28! But my doctor told me I was ‘within the normal range’ of 5-70?! I went for more bloods yesterday (13dp5dt) and the result today was 52. 06K Members. success stories on slow rising hcg!? please read. First pregnancy. Beta 1 (15dpo): 30Beta 2 (17dpo): 44My clinic said to stay cautious &amp; Day 1-14 Post-Transfer: After an IVF FET, we enter a two-week wait period. Latest: 3 days ago | Girlboymumma. Due to the holiday, I couldn’t go back until 6 days later for my 2nd draw. Today was our BEATA and our results have come in at a low positive of 6. Doctor said it is low but I am early still and to repeat hcg in 10 days Re: Low HCG levels IVF. Testing again on Monday to see if they have risen. If it’s doubling, then it means that everything is going as expected. 21K Discussions. My experiences of slow/low hcg have not ended positively. HCG at 16 days post transfer was 189. What is a normal hCG level after IVF? Even though the data of outcomes from low beta hCG levels looks scary, remember that there are many normal, healthy pregnancies that start out with a low beta hCG. 69 Comments This is our last IVf embryo. IVF No 8 - Nov 07 BFP d/d 29/7/08 Please please stay bean! they have a forum dedicated to low betas with loads of success stories, but also dont freak yourself out with too much internet surfing (this is coming Factors Affecting hCG Levels. hcg has only went from 13 to 29 to 42. My HCG levels now dropped 12/28 to 7513. An unexpectedly delayed implantation may cause lower initial beta hCG levels. When I went in on day 10 (Sep 28th) for my blood pregnancy test, my HCG levels were only 13. Ive had no symptoms. Pregnancy Week 2. My levels started strong 172 but the weren't doubling at some points taking more then 100hrs to double (the average 48-72hrs). But the joy was short lived as my hcg level was only 57 and I tested 2 days late as I was away and unable to do it on Monday. We transferred one fresh embryo, which resulted in my daughter. March 06, 2025 | by cpetkovic. My symptoms have been mostly a lot of lower abdomen/uterine pain. If hCG levels fall or plateau early in the first trimester, doctors may suspect a potential pregnancy loss. My last transfer (the 7 week missed miscarriage) I had insanely good beta hcg levels. I just know im losing the baby because no heart beat & lo hcg thats now decreasing:( Implantation: The time of embryo implantation can have an impact on beta-hCG levels. Baby #2 hcg 41@9dp5dt. Low HCG levels - PLEASE I need your success stories! I haven't seen the doc yet, just received a call from the nurse with my blood test results. The only time my HCG levels were on I’ve been so depressed today because my first HCG level at 9dp5dt was only 38. Values about 130 mIU/ml indicate that you’re 3-4 weeks pregnant. I had the same low hCG with my first IVF cycle last year, started low and not doubling (16 on 12 dpo, 22 on 16 dpo), then doubled correctly, then slowed again, and finally I ended up m/c'ing in my 10th week. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. I have personally had patients whose transfers resulted in a successful live birth of a healthy child, despiting having a hCG level as low at 10 mIU/ml on that first test. My Hcg levels are not rising enough. Baby #1 hcg 20@9dp5dt. 4 ng/mL or lower had a higher risk of miscarriage over time, with the risk being highest between six and seven weeks gestation. In IVF or FET Pregnancy. &nbsp;9dp- 3412dp- 4214dp- 5916dp- 103my strips are still My hcg was118 at 11 days past frozen transferThen 260 at 13 days past frozen transferI’m so worried that this hcg is very low compared to everyone else’s. Any suggestions ladies? it's a little later but I posted before about have a hcg level of 94 - 5 days later and I did another blood test hcg 1450 (at 6weeks 3 My doctors office said they like to see the first level at or over 100, that would be with an 11dpt beta. 2w6d 214 3w3d 306 4w2d 534 5w1d Ultrasound, pregnancy normal 3. We did double transfer, one genetically tested and one low level mosaic. Please anyone had relatively low hcg and ended up with Hello Ladies! I am 6 weeks pregnant. My heart is breaking Xx. 8 for ongoing clinical pregnancy vs chemical. The nurse called me to inform me that I am pregnant but my level is low- 28. it didn’t double by 12dp. 03) ( 3 ). 6. I just had my beta today at 9 days past a 5 day embryo transfer for IVF#3 (so 14dpo) and it was only 21. 5 Pregnancy Forums. HCG at 9 days post transfer was 16. My first beta 9dp5dt &nbsp;was 38. My 12dpt beta ended up being 238 and I am now 30 weeks with a girl. I’ll go back Monday (18dp5dt) for another beta hcg draw. I’m super realistic. 7. Pregnancy Week 1. Above 6000 mIU/ml, the hCG often takes over four days to double. 82. I wouldn’t be too worried if I were you though. I had my 2nd IVF transfer on 9/17 and had HCG levels tested yesterday (day 9). Learn about the timeline for testing, expected HCG ranges, and what different HCG levels indicate regarding pregnancy progression. wbshelton. My second HCG level (14dp5dt) was 114. 35 isn’t Lower hCG levels can still result in a healthy pregnancy. Check this chart to learn more about normal beta hCG levels during pregnancy: Normal hCG levels in pregnancy chart. I’m trying my best to stay positive but it’s definitely got me worrying since it didn’t double. I implanted very early (I had fertility treatment so my dates are all exact). I’ll post the progression down below. Low/Slow Rise Beta HcG - Success Stories. I had bloodwork done at a lab at 12 dpo and my hcg levels was 15. I couldn’t wait until my appointment at the fertility clinic and just had to know. Like. Has anyone had success at this low level? We had a loss earlier in the year, and my first level then was 100. Low HCG levels - PLEASE I need your success stories! I haven't seen the doc yet, just received a call from the nurse with my blood test results. Nicalotto. 40. I consistently measured 5 days behind, HCG levels were slow rising, had extremely low PAPP-A levels (0. Hello the hcg levels were low to begin with but doubled each time. I was told it was low and at the next two draws, was told the same, low, but I argued that it was doubling! We had our 5 day embryo transfer last monday (2 September). But I was super worried with my low numbers. Its awful getting a low HCG level as its no answer either way it would be so much easier if it was a straight BFN as then at least you know where you stand, however, the positive is that something is trying to happpen and maybe you just need to tweak things extra progesterone support etc I have been there myself and it is an awful situation you There is a slight advantage in favor of the long protocol in IVF patients with low initial hCG levels of <150 IU/L (P=. They had me come back 4 days later to recheck my levels/ confirm that it was a chemical. I've also had 3 prior chemical pregnancies (all timed intercourse + letrozole and HCG trigger shot) and my ongoing pregnancy was my first IVF FET with a euploid embryo (my first transfer attempt was canceled because my body didn't respond to synthetic Understand HCG levels after an IVF frozen embryo transfer with ELITE IVF. And anything is still possible. Doctor didn’t seem optimistic. She said my HCG levels are very low at The nurse confirmed the level, which was 31 (no wonder my HPTs couldn’t pick it up because of very low levels) and also spoke to my FS that day who told me not to be hopeful. A low beta hCG level might be due to the embryo implanting later than normally expected. This For those who have gone through IVF using a frozen embryo (FET) what was your first HCG/Beta? Maybe I just tend to have lower hcg levels to start 🤷🏼‍♀️ Reply reply hereandthere1123 My guess is the small sac was related to the low hcg but I don't have any evidence to support that. Fertility patients, in the unique position of knowing exactly when conception occurred, are the main worriers. Look for rising numbers, not low ones. My first HCG was 20. Number went to 197. Report as Inappropriate. Come join the discussion about In addition to low hCG levels, low AMH (anti-müllerian hormone) levels may also indicate an increased risk of miscarriage. My HCG Wednesday was 29, then Saturday 32 and today (Monday) 43. I then went on to get my hcg checked at the fertility clinic at 14 dpo and the result was 18. Start Discussion View Members Join Group Leave Group. Serial measurements are much more useful. &nbsp; I have fibroids, which could be enhancing the pain. I have an early ultrasound scheduled for this Thursday to check for placement. As much as I'm trying not to, I can't help but worry and so afraid of what might be said on Monday 😔 Fertility Friends Support Forum. 21K Members. Low hcg levels. When I got the call from the fertility clinic they pretty much asked me to be “cautious”. Since hCG trigger shots are not used in traditional IVF, our main indicator of early pregnancy is the normal rise in hCG levels in your bloodstream. I actually didn't want to believe it . Reply . 12 days post 3d egg transfer my hcg was 79,2 two days later they were 199. Last week breast tenderness started. N. I hope your levels keep doubling! Like. " >>>>> This doubling numbers, you have that! "The following presents some average expected HCG levels based on time after conception: First week: 0-50 mIU/ml <<< you should be here, that looks right!! 1-2 weeks: 40-300 mIU/ml; 3-4 weeks: 500-6,000 mIU/ml" I had my first beta HCG test last Friday (10dp5dt). Talk Through Fertility Treatment Options. Menstrual like cramps, but no bleeding so far. While it is possible it can turn into a chemical pregnancy, I’m trying to remain positive and hopeful. I was convinced I was having a CP. prj zaviq xwlpr dxhmp bwhmx lwbcb ovgc tyejlp nndfh iuvgjkp pfxid mkzr kkvpfio dfqicf mzqysdfd