Havant borough council complaints Report a Change of Address for Council Tax Apply Online via our suite of e-Forms Pay by Direct Debit Search for a Council Tax band Search for a Business Rates Rateable Value My Services Registering for an account is free and easy and will allow you to view online details for a variety of council services Complaints Policy (last updated 2025) Persistent and Vexatious Complaints Policy (last updated 2025) Information governance. This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2. uk, or post them to Animal Welfare, Havant Borough Council, Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, PO9 2AX. Email: ehealth@havant. Even though bonfires are not banned, they should be avoided to prevent smoke and pollutants. 1 AA standard. counciltax@secure. Garden waste. Complaints resolved within 10 days –August 31%, September 45% and October 84%. Regeneration and business - Overview. It Please note that due to the ongoing impact of coronavirus, we are operating a limited service. We'll help you escalate to Local Government Ombudsman, Information Commissioner’s Office , Housing Ombudsman or Planning Inspectorate if needed. What will the Council do with my complaint? Once the Council are satisfied that your complaint meets the legal tests, they will invite your neighbour to set out their case. If you have tried all of the above and feel that the rat or mice activity only within your property constitutes a public health risk then please email in the first instance ehealth@havant. uk* Please enter your details All fields with an asterisk ( * ) are mandatory. Image. Reporting a bonfire. Conservation buildings. Havant Borough Council is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. If you wish to complain about the conduct of an elected member, Our aim is to help improve the health, safety, welfare and quality of life of people who live in, work in or visit Havant Borough. Unfortunately, things go wrong sometimes. My maps: show services and information as pins on an interactive map. Nuisance complaints. co. Re-use of public sector information complaints procedure. Havant Business News. To understand how we manage the Havant Borough Council. Havant Borough Council complaints contacts. Noise nuisance. The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, We are the final stage for complaints about councils, all adult social care providers (including care homes and home care agencies) and To proceed with a complaint that we are able to investigate, you must provide your full name, address and contact details to be able to submit the form. Pest control fees and charges 2024-25 (PDF 529kb) We offer a professional pest control service to residents of our borough, as well as to businesses on a contracted or per hour basis The details of a breach of planning control complaint that you submit may become public. We log complaints with our Customer Services Team and report See more Website: fill in the complaints form on the council website Email: email your complaint to info@havant. Food hygiene matters - check the sign before you dine! 20 March 2025. Details on how the Council determines applications can be found in the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy. We aim to carry out these duties in a fair, practical and consistent manner. See More News. Chief Executive to assist in the role of promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct and probity within the council. We are committed to offering a consistently high quality service you can trust with our experienced team. Election results. Information Governance Team, Havant Borough Council, Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, PO9 2AX. Havant Borough Council need to process your data to comply with a legal obligation Nuisance complaints; Smoke nuisance; Page Contents. Our organisation. gov. This policy covers general complaints to the council about its own Please email us on havant. Housing Strategy Consultation. Our publication scheme has been approved by the Information Commissioner's Office, who is responsible for promoting good practice and ensuring compliance with Freedom of Information (FOI) and data protection laws. There Solve your Havant Borough Council Complaints via Resolver, the independent tool endorsed by MoneySavingExpert. Housing. Sometimes, a complicated complaint may take longer, and we will discuss a revised target Please put the dispute in writing and send a copy of the signed tenancy agreement to. 21 March 2025. 1. It Council Tax; How much are the Council Tax charges in Havant? Updated: Thursday, 16th November 2017 Please use the link below to see the council tax charges in Havant. Resolver can help you contact Havant Borough Council to get your issue sorted. Havant Borough Council’s Arboriculture Team determine applications for works to trees subject to tree preservation orders or within conservation areas and provide expertise to the council on related matters. Conservation areas and The Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires the council to provide a publication scheme, which is a guide to the information routinely made available to the public. We investigate food safety complaints, food poisoning incidents, undertake sampling and provide food safety advice. if a complaint is received about the premises, or if there is any concern about the condition of the premises, or the welfare of an animal at Havant Borough Council Revenues and Benefits, PO Box75 Havant, PO9 2ER. Smoke could deny your neighbours from enjoying their garden and have a serious impact on their health - especially Nuisance complaints - Overview. Telephone: 023 9244 6654. Please send any supporting photographs to show the alleged breach to our Planning Enforcement by emailing planningcompliance@havant. The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 gives councils the power to take action against individuals or businesses who cause a light nuisance to neighbouring properties. Havant Borough Council issues a Private hire Operator Licence for a period of 5 years. Call Switchboard on 023 9247 4174. It is a simple guide and not a statement of the law. Use this comments section to discuss problems you have had with Havant Borough Council, or how they have handled your complaints. This policy covers general complaints to the council about its own services. Website documentation If you don’t agree with the Council’s decision on your complaint, you can appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. Visit Homepage Solve your Havant Borough Council Complaints via Resolver, the independent tool endorsed by MoneySavingExpert. 2 MB limit. For this reason, we have a complaints process. Housing - Overview. We make no distinction between a ‘formal’ and an ‘informal’ complaint. There is one bill f Report a Change of Address for Council Tax Apply Online via our suite of e-Forms Pay by Direct Debit Search for a Council Tax band Search for a Business Rates Rateable Value My Services Registering for an account is free and easy and will allow you to view online details for a variety of council services Norse SE manages the cemetery management service on behalf of Havant Borough Council: to maintain records and register of all burials; including public health burials; record and ownership details (grave purchases) to issue a deed in respect of a burial plot; Norse SE provide and hold financial information on behalf of Havant Borough Council. Please send any supporting photographs to show the alleged breach to our Planning Enforcement in support of this complaint. Havant Borough Council approves its 2025/26 Budget. uk Telephone: 023 9244 6654 Explore services in Havant using our online interactive map. However, your name and address will not be disclosed to the other party involved, it will always be treated as confidential. Council Tax Charges Council Tax; What is Council Tax? Updated: Thursday, 14th December 2017 Council Tax is a contribution that you must make to help pay for local services. It may be possible for us to treat in circumstances where we believe the issue is high risk, however this would be considered by the service on a case Havant Borough Council Complaints and Vexatious Complaints Policy and Procedure Introduction A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about a council service that requires a response. Complaints. Havant Borough Council is made up of 38 councillors elected by thirds, with each Councillor serving a four year term. My house: list services and information near you. uk Telephone: if you know it, call the telephone number of the appropriate The quickest and easiest way to get in touch is online by completing the form below. uk or write to: Havant Borough Council PO Box75 Havant, Havant Borough Council. This phone line is open from 9am-5. Many residents who would normally be out at work or school are now confined to their homes. Is there a charge? The council can make a charge to cover costs such as photocopying and postage. Visit Homepage Comments. When they’ve got You can email your application and supplementary documents to EHealth@havant. Visit Contact Page. Councillors are democratically accountable to the residents of their ward. Sign-up for our Havant Borough Council Complaints and Vexatious Complaints Policy and Procedure Introduction A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about a council service that requires a response. This must be in writing and include the nature of the complaint and the response from Havant Borough Council, within 28 days of receipt of Havant Borough Council's response. I don’t think my banding is correct, What shall I do? Updated: Thursday, 14th December 2017 You can appeal to the Valuation Office Agency under certain circumstances, but your current bill rem; How is my dwelling valued? Updated: Thursday, 4th November 2021 Each dwelling is put in a valuation band by the Valuation Office Agency, based on its value as at Ap The Commercial Team at Havant Borough Council undertake food inspections and enforce food legislation. Regeneration and business. Employment and skills. services@havant. The overriding duty of councillors is to the whole community, but they have a special duty to their constituents, including those who did not vote for them. Updated: Thursday, 16th November 2017 Please use the link below to see the council tax charges in Havant. Bin collections. Footer. If you wish to get advice on works to trees, please contact a competent tree surgeon or arboriculturalist in the first instance. Once you have submitted this form you will be provided with a reference number, please include this in any Information Governance Officer, Havant Borough Council, Civic Offices, Havant, PO9 2AX. Complaints and Vexatious Complaints Policy and Procedure. Smoke nuisance If the above complaint procedure is exhausted and you are still not satisfied, or a reasonable time has passed, you may appeal to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). Pest control. Please email us on havant. For more information, please visit our food business guidance page. Smiles all round for photo competition winners. All complaints are investigated by a Licensing Officer, who may contact you for additional information, dashcam footage and/or a witness statement. Turn over a new leaf with our new portal. If you are making a complaint, the Council shall endeavour to respond to your report within 10 working days. You can email your application and supplementary documents to EHealth@havant. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. Hampshire Home Choice. if a complaint is received about the premises, or if there is any concern about the condition of the premises, or the welfare of an animal at we aim to answer 80% of the calls to our Council Tax and Benefits lines in 60 seconds; we will try to deal with your query without passing you on to someone else; If you complain: We aim to resolve 85% of all initial complaints within 10 working days. Enforcement can involve: Advisory visits Help with taking the necessary action Licensing Legal enforcement of necessary work. The most common types of complaints raised against Havant Borough Council include Neighbourhood and Complaint. We are unable to accept anonymous Your complaint must be about one or more named councillors of Havant Borough Council; Your complaint must be that the councillor(s) has, or may have, breached the code of conduct. One file only. Email Customer Services on customer. capita. About Havant Borough Council. Council Tax Charges; What do I do if my tenant disputes their Council Tax liability start dates? How much are the Council Tax charges in Havant? Updated: Thursday, 16th November 2017 Please use the link below to see the council tax charges in Havant. If you're not satisfied with the response you have received to a request for information, you can ask us to review our handling of the matter. Doing business with Havant Borough Council . Economic profiles. We have no specific by-laws that prohibit burning. Developed by Havant Borough Council in partnership with Natural England and the Hampshire & IOW Wildlife Trust, the conversion of converting former agricultural land into a The recent trend in waste complaints is: August 216, September 194 and October 145. Introduction . Disabled facilities grants. We aim to provide good quality services. . A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about a council service. Havant Borough Council is committed to protecting your privacy when you use our services. Anti Bribery Policy (last Coronavirus update Our Food & Safety team is still working as normal and if any businesses proving food services have questions or need advice while operating they should get in touch via the following contact details: Email: ehealth@havant. Was this article helpful? Yes No. Please be aware that Havant Borough Council does not offer a night time monitoring service. uk. The good news is Havant Borough Council is here to help. If you require advice relating to a protected Havant Borough Council is part of a Legal Partnership with Southampton City Council and Fareham Borough Council. Alternatively, you can call us on 023 9244 6019. Access to Information Policy (last updated 2023) Data Protection Policy (last updated 2019) Information Governance Policy, Strategy and Framework (last updated 2019) Finance and governance. 30pm, Monday to Please note that due to the ongoing impact of coronavirus, we are operating a limited service. 27 February 2025. Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png. Add or delete topics that interest you, including: your bin collection day; planning applications near you; councillors and MPs. If a disability or language issue prevents you from making your complaint in writing you may contact Havant Borough Council Customer Services 023 9244 6019 for Coronavirus update To protect the health and wellbeing of everyone during the coronavirus outbreak, we are requesting that residents refrain from lighting bonfires. This policy covers general complaints to the council about its own Havant Borough Council complaints contacts. It is important for us to know when things do not go well, so that we can try to resolve any problems and learn from them. 19 March 2025. What will happen to my complaint 19. Before a licence is granted the applicant must satisfy the Council that they are a ‘fit and proper’ person to hold a licence. e-mail havant. Council Tax Charges; What is Council Tax? Updated: Thursday, 14th December 2017 Council Tax is a contribution that you must make to help pay for local services. Next step in Local Government Reorganisation approved by Havant Borough Council. Please include a contact address so we can contact you with our response. We'll help you escalate to Local Government Ombudsman, Information This leaflet explains what will happen if the Council get involved – using their powers in Part 8 of the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003. Compliance status. The determination of a statutory nuisance is based on numerous factors, including: duration; frequency; impact; local environment; motive; sensitivity of complainant. that requires a response.
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