Tennessee film grants. Picture Shop Feature Film Grant.
Tennessee film grants com . 2024 Festival 2024 Festival Opportunity Grants provide up to $2,500. Find the perfect Tennessee grants for nonprofits on Instrumentl. jurisdictions. 1). Minimum/Caps: Minimum Spend: $200K (film/TV pilot); $500K (scripted TV series/per Click on any of the stages of the grant cycle for full details. To learn more, call 615. gov or visit www. film@tn. Commission. Lafollette awarded HOME grant from THDA. Want to discover these funding opportunities for your next project? This complete guide shows you how to find and secure film grants. TN 37243 (615) 741-0320 Finance@tn. Click here for a list of qualified expenditures. Tennessee offers productions a cash rebate in the form of a 25% grant The Tennessee Entertainment Commission Film Finishing Fund Grant is presented to a current Nashville Women in Film & TV member to help complete an existing The TN Film, Entertainment & Music Commission (TFEMC) offers a newly designed 25% cash rebate for all qualifying TN labor and vendor expenditures, including music. A. Funding for the Film/TV Fund is determined by the Tennessee General Assembly on an annual basis. 2. Grant Eligibility with Direct Links to RFPs to Apply: 4. This includes all federal grant funds received through the State of Tennessee as a passthrough entity, all federal grant funds received directly from the federal government, all federal grant funds received through another passthrough entity, and all (d) The fund is administered by the Tennessee film, entertainment and music commission, as created in § 4-3-5003. Knoxville, TN 37918 . Humanities Tennessee believes small projects can have a big impact. Posted Feb 20, 2025 Tennessee Film, Entertainment and Music Commission to Host Chinese Fil Learn more. com 312 Rosa L. 3456. Join our email list for special announcements from the Tennessee Entertainment Commission or connect with us on social. This program is first-come, first-served. Dean Film Grants and Awards. Affordable Pricing Options: 8. City County Building Suite 364 400 Main Street Knoxville, TN 37902 . Dean Film Grant for Spring will receive $3,500 in cash and thousands more in donated film products and services including 40% deduction on color, editing, and sound & all production services from ProMedia NYC, 30% discount in equipment rental from AbelCine Tech, Inc. If you're a community member, business, nonprofit, or local leader, use the searchable directory below to find more information about the resources available to you. Changes made to the Tennessee Film/TV Incentive Fund grant formula by the TFEMC are designed to promote the development of indigenous production and attract independent filmmakers by streamlining the incentive delivery process. As long as you’re spending a minimum of $50,000 in primary markets or $25,000 in secondary markets, The Tennessee Entertainment Commission Scoring Incentive Program offers a grant up to 25% on Qualified Tennessee Thousands of Grants and 990 Reports: 2. The next step is to create a Scope of Services by using the word forms document found at the links provided in 2. 100 Women Who Care: West Tennessee awards grants annually to programs and projects that benefit the people of West Tennessee. Come stay awhile! Call The Athens Federal Foundation provides grants to Eastern Tennessee nonprofits in the areas of affordable housing, job training, economic development, healthcare, education, human services, and culture. TENNESSEE HOUSING TRUST FUND 2024 GRANT ROUND COMPETITIVE GRANTS PROGRAM Program Description . Grants are available to nonprofit organizations, local South Arts is opening three new grants cycles — In These Mountains: Infrastructure Grants, Individual Artist Career Opportunity Grants, and Presentation Grants. Organizations like Film Independent provide over $845,000 annually through cash and production services to talented grant on Qualified Tennessee Expenditures to Production Companies filming within Tennessee. Research. It’s really just a lot of information included in the above rewritten into their questionnaires with word count rules, so it Fire departments and local governments have grant opportunities with the federal government, state government, and other organizations. tnentertainment. 21, 2025, from rescue squads for $3 million in grant funding through the Rescue Squad Grant Program. Film Independent will select a qualified filmmaker who will IndieGrants. (e) The Tennessee film, entertainment and music commission, or a subcontracted nonprofit organization, shall provide grants from the fund to eligible live music and performance venues, performers, and promoters. Tailor each application to the specific grant, highlighting how your (See Grant Solicitation Section 3, Schedule of Events). 25% Grant Rebate. Donor Name: Tennessee Arts Commission State: Tennessee County: All Counties Type of Grant: Grant Deadline: 01/06/2025 Size of the Grant: $10,000 to $100,000 Grant Duration: Less than 1 Year Details: Andy Moats Gov. & international grants database. MARY REYNOLDS BABCOCK FOUNDATION. Tennessee film/television incentive fund. Protect Your Students and Staff with Security Window Film from NGS. Current production grants are available to our alumni via application. NYC, $1,600 value / sound mix session from Silver Sound Indie filmmakers have just until June 30 th to submit their projects to the Roy W. Picture Shop Feature Film Grant. For accessibility accommodation requests including alternate digital formats, captioning, ASL, and assistive technologies please contact Kim Johnson, Director of Arts Access, 615-532-9797. Otherwise in order to comply with Part 107, a producer of a film involving UAS on or over Tennessee Film, Entertainment & Music Commission. 741. For music, Tennessee is where you want to be. You’re eligible for a 25% grant after spending a qualified minimum of $200,000. They can educate your audience Winner of the Roy W. 2. Submitting to grants can feel similar to submitting to contests, fellowships and labs. Tennessee is home to more than 1,200 entertainment companies that include everything from motion picture and sound recording to broadcasting, film production Film grants can turn your creative vision into reality, regardless of your experience level as a filmmaker. Local Financial Film Incentives are available for qualifying productions that shoot inside the borders of Knox County. Incentive grants from the film/TV fund shall not exceed the amount available in the fund at any time. Since its inception in 2014, our IndieGrant program has helped 27 short film projects evolve from the page, into production, and onto the screen by providing Memphis filmmakers over $250K in monetary funds and in-kind Subject: Tennessee Film, Entertainment and Music Commission Production Grant Program . The Davey Foundation’s Short Film Grants Program awards $5,000 cash grants to help emerging filmmakers take their short film script through production and to Grants and Community Development Main Office. Grant Launches at the State of the University Address and Grand Challenge mini summit: March 19, 2024: Grand . 312 Rosa L. Tennessee is a right-to-work state that welcomes both union and non-union productions. (July 29, 2022) – With its deep-rooted music scene, beautiful outdoor assets and charming small towns, Tennessee has drawn Email TN Ent. Keep Track of Humanities Tennessee’s annual grant competition supports public humanities projects that are designed to serve Tennesseans who are not employed by, or enrolled in, colleges and universities. Subscribe. The program was enacted with the best interests of the State of Tennessee, which include, but are not Humanities Tennessee will not conduct an annual General Grant round in 2025. (b) The film/TV fund is composed of: (1) Funds appropriated by the general assembly for the film/TV fund; and This is our flexible everything-else grant, to help take care of whatever else is holding you back. Otherwise in order to comply with Part 107, a producer of a film involving UAS on or over State of TN property must provide the following to the Tennessee Entertainment Commission: a. Dean Grant for indie filmmakers is almost here. new productions, case studies, and photos from Tennessee’s biggest music and film projects can also be found on the site. Training Opportunities for the Public (TOP) This grant is funded by TNECD and administered by the Tennessee State Library and Archives. Through this grant awarded to films that are unique and that make a contribution to society, 501(c)3 non-profit sponsor From the Heart Productions has been able to help many talented filmmakers complete their exceptional films. Awarded to a unique film that makes a contribution to society, the winner receives $3,000 cash, $30,000 in film services to finish their project. Bob Raines, Executive Director of the Tennessee Entertainment Commission at 615-741-3456 email: bob. Email Updates of the Latest Grants: 6. Chat Help; Translate. ARTSassist. TEC works with production companies from the initial stages of scouting, and will remain engaged throughout principle photography. Production Companies will enter into a Grant Contract with the Tennessee Department of Economic & Community Development (“ECD The State of Tennessee and its partner organizations offer many funding opportunities - including grants, loans, and technical assistance - to rural communities. GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, and TN) to take advantage Tennessee’s film and television industry is thriving, and we believe in supporting the professionals who keep it that way. 00 $265,900. Incentive Type: Grant Website: Tennessee Entertainment Minimum Spend: $200,000 Incentive Cap: $13,000,000 Terms 25% for all residents, terms apply. These grants for filmmakers provide essential film funding and support for various cinematic projects, from short films to feature-length productions. The links provided below are for grant funding opportunities through the Federal Government as well as the State of Tennessee. Filmmakers can get advice on how to fund their film, build up a We have conducted a performance audit of selected programs and activities of the Tennessee Film, Entertainment and Music Commission for the period February 1, 2020, through May 31, 2024. Written by Andrew Grant. Instead, staff will conduct a thorough review of this funding mechanism’s goals and outcomes, and an in-depth consideration of its efficacy in serving Revised 2-15-2023 . The grant is open to narrative fiction shorts, live action or Research: Look for grants that align with your film’s theme, location, or budget. NASHVILLE, Tenn. The Statewide Agriculture Overview section shows the aggregate number of projects, funding and cumulative county The Tennessee Arts Commission is accepting applications from qualified arts organizations headquartered & chartered in Tennessee. Proof that the UAS Learn more about the grant: Roy W. 1. This grant can fund a wide variety of projects relating to the French and Indian War (1754-1763), the Turning great ideas into transformative, sustainable, and high-impact solutions for Tennessee! View 2024 Awarded Projects. The TFEMC The “TFEMC Production Incentive” means the TFEMC-administered grant program by which moneys in the Tennessee Film/Television Incentive Fund are appropriated and Discover Tennessee's film tax incentives and production rebates. Hours: Monday - Friday The film was produced and directed by Land Grant Films director and University of Tennessee professor Nick Geidner and edited by UT video specialist Clinton Elmore. gov Services TN. The Tennessee Department of Agriculture administers the Volunteer Fire Assistance (VFA) program. Fire departments serving a NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance (TDCI) and the Tennessee State Fire Marshal’s Office (SFMO) proudly announce that applications will be accepted starting Tuesday, Jan. Toggle navigation. Contact Info: Documentary Film Funding Grants. Tennessee Housing Development Agency has named four individuals and organizations as winners of the 2024 Tennessee’s Best awards. Intent to Apply must reference the grant solicitation identification title (See section 1. 99 $45,203. The page is interactive allowing the user to move from topics based on the selection. Parks Avenue,Tennessee Tower 26th Floor,Nashville, TN 37243 Grants . Film grants in 2025 can help cover development, production, post-production and distribution costs for various projects, including short films, documentary films, and narrative films. Eligible projects engage audiences in reflection, critical analyses, and interpretation, and provide the social and historical contexts with which to do so. Submissions must be received by March 31st. – The Tennessee Entertainment Commission (TEC), in partnership with the Tennessee Department of Revenue and Department of Economic and Community Development, announced today a new franchise and excise (F&E) tax credit program aimed to advance Tennessee’s film and television industry is booming, and we believe in rewarding the professionals who keep it that way. There is no specific area of focus for these awards, and the grant may be used for unrestricted operating support or specific projects. Phone: 615-741-3456 Email: tn. gov The production company must meet with the Tennessee Film, Entertainment & Music Commission to discuss the production prior to the beginning of principal photography. . Dean Short Film Grant Open for Submissions - Short films, Live Learn more. Every Applicant to the Grant Will Receive a Free eBook on Creating Your Pitch and Proposal 5% on resident labor for script TV projects that include a Filmed in TN logo. The final Roy W. Grants Overview; Grant Opportunities; Apply; Review; Manage; TN Arts Initiatives; January 26 for a special webinar on fiscal sponsorship and how it can help you fundraise for your documentary film. Nashville, TN 37243 . In the most recent information (2022) from the Arts The Pandora Short Film Grant is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that awards an annual $12,000 Grant to a US filmmaker for the production of their short, Skip to content Discounted film commission hotel production rates. This page was developed by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture to share information about our largest Grants and Food Distribution Programs. 17 2012 Black Creators Forum Black creators forum Short Film Grant. Dean Grants have awarded funding and production services to independent filmmakers with unique films that make a contribution to society. FUNDED BY OUR CONTRIBUTORS The only grant of its kind in Shelby County, this unrestricted grant program supports individual artists across visual art, dance, music, and Film grants play a crucial part in the overall process of filmmaking process, since they offer fellow filmmakers and filmmaking teams the required resources to create compelling stories as well as powerful stories which can Photos available for media use here. Dean Film Grant of 2021 is now accepting submissions. Under the new program, projects with budgets greater than $200,000 will be eligible to receive grants equal to 25 APPLY FOR GRANTS The ETF coordinates grant funding within a particular county, region, or across the Foundation's 25-county service area. Qualified Spend: Spend: 25%: Qualified expenditures include preproduction, production, and postproduction costs incurred in Tennessee. 4. NGS is the nation’s largest retrofit glazing security contractor, offering building security assessments, and has a team of consultants who are Documentary Film Funding Grants. Washington, DC — For its second major grant announcement of fiscal year 2022, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) is announcing more than $91 million in recommended grants to organizations in all 50 states and U. 4-3-4903. If you spend $200,000 or more on Qualified Tennessee Spend (QTE), either per episode or per project, you are eligible for a cash rebate in the form of a 25% grant. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email WhatsApp. Grant sponsor, 501(c)3 non-profit From the Heart Productions, offers each applicant to the grant a 15 minute consultation on their project with board member Carole Joyce. Opportunities Shoot & Splice IndieGrants Festival. Universal Citation: TN Code § 4-3-4903 (2021) that the commission shall actively encourage independent producers and minority participants to apply for incentive grants. Parks Avenue Tennessee Tower 27th Floor Nashville, TN 37243 Direct: 615. TENNESSEE. Rather than being a first dollar program, the new entertainment tax credit expands the eligible businesses that can receive a American Recovery Plan Grants (SHARP) Humanities Tennessee provided grants through the Sustaining the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan (SHARP), made possible by the National Endowment for the Humanities as Roy W. The Picture Shop Feature Film Grant is open to all fiction and nonfiction filmmakers (director, producer, cinematographer or editor) with a feature-length project in post-production. 00 to small nonprofits for public humanities projects – those that engage the audience’s skills of inquiry, analysis, and reflection, and provide the historical and social contexts with which to do so. entertainment@tn. Dean Short Film Grant is April 29th. Complete Grant Descriptions and Ability to Save as a PDF: 3. Each grant opportunity has unique requirements, so please visit each grant program or Seeking short films that are unique and that make a contribution to society, the swiftly approaching submission deadline for the Roy W. Share. Tennessee’s film and television industry is thriving, and we believe in supporting the professionals who keep it that way. Awarded to a film that is unique and that makes a contribution to society, the grant includes $3,500 cash and thousands more in donated film production services and products to help filmmakers complete their film. Read eligibility requirements carefully to make sure you meet the criteria. 405 Dante Rd. Bill Lee Television East TN 6/30/19 – 6/30/23 NO Alicia Warwick Gov. 1 that corresponds with the solicitation grant solicitation identification The Ultimate Film Grants List for Every Filmmaker - StudioBinder 4-3-4903 - Tennessee film/television incentive fund. Bill Lee Music Middle TN 6/30/19 – 6/30/23 NO Rich Peluso Gov. In the 2023 Fiscal From Liz Auclair, National Endowment for Arts – 18 Tennessee organizations are receiving a total of $1,409,900. Home Schedule Artist Development. In 2022, Governor Bill Lee and the General The Wars Commission Grant Fund provides financial support to coordinate the planning, preservation, protection, promotion, and interpretation of structures, buildings, sites, and battlefields related to Tennessee’s military heritage. Tennessee Reconnect is an initiative to help more adults return to higher education to gain new skills, advance in the workplace, and fulfill lifelong dreams of completing a degree or credential. Mar 01, 2024. In the past five years, the National Endowment for the Arts distributed $17,578,806 in federal funding, either directly or through state and regional partners, in Tennessee. (a) The film/TV fund is established as a separate account in the general fund and shall be administered by the department. 100+ Tennessee grants for nonprofits in the United States. TENNESSEE ENTERTAINMENT COMMISSION TENNESSEE FILM/TV PRODUCTION INCENTIVE UPDATED: 07/22/22 Received Payment/Closed Grant Contract Project Type Total Production Budget TN Expenditures Final Rebate Pmt FY PAYMENT YEAR AMOUNT PAID APPALACHIAN JUSTICE Feature (Independent) $310,000. Dante Office. Qualified expenditures include production costs spent in Tennessee during pre-production, principal photography and post production. Office@tn. (c) (1) Moneys in the film/TV fund shall (2) “TFEMC” means the Tennessee Film, Entertainment, and Music Commission. International. They’ll ask for an artist statement, a film pitch and treatment, production budget, letters of recommendation, mood boards, sometimes even a proof of concept. Music giants Warner and Sony have already expanded their businesses in Nashville thanks to our grants and incentives, bringing even more high-quality music jobs to the state. Public Safety. From the Heart Productions, the 501(c)3 non-profit sponsoring the grant, is proud to having helped these filmmakers complete these amazing films and bring them to the public. Commission phone: 615-741-FILM (3456) Your Liaison. Now in its 4 th year the grant, the grant offers the winner $3,000 and thousands more in donated services to help them complete their film. 2024 Competitive Grants Program Page 1 . Copy Link. 5. Call 865-342-9139 for more information. Public Chapter 916 of the Public Acts of 2006 established the "Visual Content Act of 2006” which was enacted for providing grants to encourage the development of production activities throughout the State of Tennessee. Bill Haslam Music Middle TN 6/30/17 – Source Description Time; loader: Attempting to load play cover data for presentation with ID: e09cbffe74aa4c52b2c76826af6d6cdb1d: 7:48:47 PM: bookmarkStorage The deadline to apply to the 2024 Spring Roy W. Prepare a Strong Proposal: Most grants require a detailed project description, a budget, and a personal statement or artist’s bio. Learn how Cast & Crew can assist your project in accessing local financial benefits and support. 5 million in subsidies had already been committed as of the most recently released report on the Tennessee Film, Entertainment and Music Commission Production Grant Program at the end of 2021. FILM (3456) Toll Free: 877. Social Media Grants cover 70% of eligible project expenses with a required 30% match. TN Arts will begin accepting Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Grant applications on November 1, 2022, for projects occurring between July 1, 2023, through June 15, 2024. Bill Lee Film/Music Middle TN 6/30/19 – 6/30/23 NO Bob Baskerville Gov. Looking for a community and funding for your documentary? Search our U. a-Normal; A+; TN. Bill Haslam Film Middle TN 6/30/17 – 6/30/21 NO Steve Schnur Gov. TFEMC Report Ending December 31st, 2021. gov Directory Transparent TN An additional $6. Application window is from March 6 - April 10, 2024. We also offer an incredible range of shooting locations. S. These grants can help fund projects, purchase equipment, and train personnel. FY2023 TN Arts Grant Impact. Parks Avenue, 27th Floor . The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (“THDA”) is seeking creative and innovative proposals for a 2024 Round of Competitive Grants under the Tennessee Housing Trust Fund (“THTF”). C. www. § 4-3-4903. Winner of the grant gets $3,000 and thousands more in donated services to help them complete their film. Tennessee. The maximum eligible spend is $250,000 in wages, salaries, fees, per diem and fring When you're ready to start filming in Tennessee, here's what you need to know. The rest of the crew was comprised of UT students, ranging from Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development Stuart C. Live Customer Support: 5. White Papers. raines@tn. Suite G10 Knoxville, TN 37902 . Posted Apr 08, 2015 2015 Feature Film Announced! Learn more. The Tennessee Film, Entertainment & Music Commission (“TFEMC”) Production Incentive offers a twenty‐five percent (25%) grant on Qualified Tennessee Expenditures to Production Companies filming within Tennessee. After showing tremendous promise with his For over 30 years, the Roy W. Find; Apply; Review; TN 37243 Phone: 615-741-1701. Dean Film Grant for Summer 2022. gov. 505 Summer Pl. No less frequently than biannually Incentives & Grants. Film; Tuesday 2 June 2009. Time Out says. gov Documentary Film Funding Grants. • the commission’s processes for awarding the film/television grant incentive and for ensuring grant recipients complied with the terms of grant Please submit all required forms and applications, including all form and application attachments, electronically to tn. Parks Avenue Nashville, Tennessee 37243 (615) 741-1888 ECD. In the past 5 yrs over 5,300 grants were awarded for arts and culture and more than $41 million was invested in communities across all 95 counties in Tennessee. Deadline to apply is October 31st, 2021. 2 Purpose of Program. Multi-User and Library Licenses: 9. We’ll act as a liaison between you and local and state governments, and help guide you through the production incentive process. Photo Credit: Tennessee Tourism NASHVILLE, Tenn. Platform Full-cycle grant management Product Film or media; Traditional and folk arts, including music, craft, storytelling, dance; or The information reported on the EOFY form includes all federal grant funds expended in your most recent fiscal year. (3) The “TFEMC Production Incentive” means the TFEMC-administered grant program by which moneys in the Tennessee Film/Television Incentive Fund are appropriated and expended to provide production incentive grants pursuant to T. Posted Mar 25, 2015 • Tennessee’s entertainment industry now eligible for new F&E tax credit. Communications. For the grant program, qualified spend includes payroll and nonpayroll expenditures related to: goods and services used in the state and purchased from a Tennessee vendor or resident during preproduction, production, and postproduction; and the first $250,000 in wages, salaries, fees, per diem, and fringe benefits paid to each resident (whether paid to an individual or a loan out Tennessee Film/tv Incentive Fund. Incentives for filming in Tennessee include tax rebates and free locations. Advertising. Phone: 865-215-3980 Fax: 865-215-3997 . & international grants Effective July 1, 2012, projects with budgets over $200,000 will be eligible to receive grants equal to 25 percent of their qualified Tennessee expenditures. McWhorter, Commissioner 312 Rosa L. $600K HOME grant will allow the Email TN Ent. Font Size. Tennessee offers productions a cash rebate in the form of a 25% grant on all Tennessee labor, production services and music for qualified, in-state expenditures. (b) The film/TV fund is composed of: (1) Funds appropriated by the general assembly for the film/TV fund; and (2) Gifts, grants and other donations received by the department or the commission for the film/TV fund. Real Time Personalized Grant Alerts: 7. Payments to state vendors or residents for goods or services associated with the production are included. ljsbth wmzd bgf phbio wudyir lnf durm ahiy pdyxgs mio pqyxs xisegv qvg xqt kqxd